
líng hún
  • soul;spirit;thought;ghost;psyche
灵魂 [líng hún]
  • (1) [soul;spirit; ghost]

  • (2) 迷信者认为附于人体的精神或心意之灵

  • (3) 比喻起关键和主导作用的因素

  • 灵魂工程师

  • (4) 高尚的品格

  • 把灵魂出卖给魔鬼

灵魂[líng hún]
  1. 他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。

    He believed his immortal soul was in peril .

  2. 脸是反映灵魂的镜子。

    The face is the mirror of the soul .

  3. 怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。

    The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .

  4. 我们把她的灵魂托付给上帝。

    We commend her soul to God .

  5. 他们相信他们的灵魂会受到惩罚,在地狱里永受煎熬。

    They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity .

  6. 灵魂不灭。

    The soul is immortal .

  7. 他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。

    He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul .

  8. 她去为亡夫的灵魂祈祷。

    She went to pray for the soul of her late husband

  9. 我一直认为花园的灵魂是与其创造者共存亡的。

    I have always believed that a garden dies with its creator .

  10. 阿拉斯加的爱斯基摩人认为每一个活着的生物都有灵魂。

    Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit

  11. 基督教中耶稣拯救灵魂的教义改变了很多人的生活。

    The church 's message of salvation has changed the lives of many .

  12. 相较于他感觉正在侵蚀他灵魂的痛苦而言,这种折磨倒更容易承受。

    Suffering was easier to bear than the bitterness he felt corroding his spirit

  13. 那个管弦乐团现在更有纪律性了,却丧失了灵魂。

    The orchestra has more discipline now , but at the expense of spirit .

  14. 祷告词是为炼狱中的灵魂念的。

    Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory .

  15. 愿上帝宽恕你的灵魂。

    May God have mercy on your soul .

  16. 两人对于灵魂转世有不同的看法。

    The two men had disagreed about reincarnation .

  17. 由此产生的内疚感在他灵魂深处挥之不去。

    The associative guilt was ingrained in his soul

  18. 他已灵魂出窍,剩下的只是他的躯壳。

    His spirit has left him and all that remains is the shell of his body .

  19. 忏悔净化灵魂。

    Confession cleanses the soul .

  20. 过去信仰万物有灵论的人们认为自然是由看不见的灵魂安排的。

    In the old animistic world view , people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls .

  21. 虽然他的年纪是我们的两倍,但他却成为了公司的灵魂人物。

    Although he was twice as old as us , he became the life and soul of the company .

  22. 基于对人类精神神圣性的信仰,他们认为灵魂是永恒的。

    They believe the soul is immortal , grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit .

  23. 这几卷的主题是“孤独是灵魂的财富,寂寞是灵魂的贫瘠”。

    The motif of these volumes is that ' solitude is the richness of the soul , loneliness is its poverty . '

  24. 有人相信灵魂不灭。

    Some people believe that the spirit is immortal .

  25. 伟大的灵魂常寓于矮小的身躯。

    A little body often harbours a great soul .

  26. 让他的灵魂安息吧!

    May his soul rest in peace !

  27. 没有正确的政治观点就等于没有灵魂。

    Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul .

  28. 灵魂的气息是这些砖墙的支柱。

    The odor of souls is a brace to the walls .

  29. 简练含蓄是中国诗的灵魂。

    Brevity and suggestiveness are the soul of Chinese poetry .

  30. 身体是物质的,但灵魂是无形的。

    The body is material but the soul is immaterial .