
xùn jiāo zhě
  • martyr
殉教者 [xùn jiào zhě]
  • [martyr] 因坚持信仰或信奉某一宗教被处死的人

  1. 第三世纪基督教的殉教者;旅行者的守护神。

    A Christian martyr of the 3rd century ; the patron saint of travellers .

  2. 耶稣也是先知殉教者。

    Jesus also is a prophet martyr .

  3. 一些人认为,政府就BabriMasjid事件对相关的政治人士提起上诉的可能性微乎其微,因为担心印度教徒会把他们当做殉教者。

    Some reckon the government is unlikely to prosecute any politicians over the Babri Masjid incident , lest the Hindu right make martyrs of them .

  4. 真主认可信徒并选择殉教者。

    Allah recognizes the believers and chooses the martyrs .

  5. 我也喜欢很多纯洁的殉教者。

    I like a lot of virgin martyrs too .

  6. 基督教的第一位殉教者是谁?

    Who was the first Christian martyr ?

  7. 这个节日是以两个早期基督教殉教者中叫瓦伦仃的人名命名的。

    The holiday is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine .

  8. 为掩护其他殉教者,瓦沦丁被抓住,投入了监牢。

    To cover the other martyrs , Ding W perish caught , put in prison .

  9. 有些牧师可以成为十足的殉教者&他们是那么干燥(枯燥),准会烧得好。

    Some ministers would make good martyrs : they are so dry they would burn well .

  10. 让他成为殉教者?

    And make him a martyr ?

  11. 在女修道院,我阅读了有关圣人和殉教者的故事的推荐读物。

    In the convent I attended , the recommended readings were stories of the saints and martyrs .

  12. 我们已经讲过几次司提反了,他可能是最早的基督教殉教者。

    We 've talked about Stephen several times already , he 's supposedly the first Christian martyr .

  13. 她没有说别的话,只象一个殉教者那样老老实实地回到了自己的房间。

    She said no more , but , turning to her room as meekly as a martyr .

  14. 在这段未注明日期的录像片断中,本.拉登在户外称赞了死于阿富汗的殉教者。

    The undated clip showed the al-Qaeda leader outdoors praising martyrs who had been killed in Afghanistan .

  15. 殉教者塞卡现在只是在恢复正常之前物理免疫30秒。

    Theka the Martyr will now only remain immune to physical damage for30 seconds before reverting to normal .

  16. 如果,以色列最后不能找出并消灭所有的火箭弹和殉教者,它就会知难而退。

    Israel would , after all , find it hard if not impossible to winkle out every last rocket and martyr .

  17. 德肖维茨表示,如果察尔纳耶夫罪名成立被处决,他就会被武装分子看作是殉教者。

    Dershowitz says if Tsarnaev were to be convicted and executed , he would be seen as a martyr by militants .

  18. 殉教者是信教的男女为了自己的信仰忍受残酷的折磨,甚至比折磨更可怕的死刑而献身的人。

    Martyrs are men and women who for the sake of their faith endure cruel tortures and sometimes even more gruesome death .

  19. 圣乔治是四世纪基督教殉教者,英格兰的守护神,代表荣誉、勇气和豪情。

    St George , a fourth-century Christian martyr , is the patron Saint of England and represents honour , bravery and gallantry .

  20. 萨林吟诵了一般殉教者所引述的经典,但他强调他是为报双亲之仇而行动。

    Saleen 's reciting the usual martyr rhetoric , but he dedicates his death to avenge the blood of his father and mother .

  21. 贺尔拜因的一幅肖像,委拉斯开兹的一幅修士,里贝拉的一幅殉教者,鲁本斯的一幅节日欢宴图,狄尼埃父子的两幅佛兰德风景,

    a Holbein portrait , a monk by Velazquez , a martyr by Ribera , a village fair by Rubens , two Flemish landscapes by Teniers ,

  22. 耶稣也被刻画为犹太人的先知,我也讲过司提反是先知,也是殉教者。

    And Jesus also will be portrayed as the prophet to the Jews first I 've already talked about Stephen being a prophet and a martyr .

  23. 第五章论述艺术家作为得到灵感的叛逆者和殉教者的波希米亚神话,随后探究19世纪的自画像类型。

    Chapter five illustrates the Bohemian myth that describes artists as rebels and martyrs full of muse and then investigates the types of self-portraits of the 19th century .

  24. 然而无论什么数字,这些狩猎的受害人被今天的巫术崇拜者认为是殉教者,带有明显的不容异说教训,厌恶女人和宗教性恐怖印记。

    Whatever the numbers , however , victims of these hunts are perceived as martyrs by Wiccans today , with the lessons of intolerance , misogyny and religious terror clearly noted .

  25. 即使是罗马的犹太首领都宣称保罗是无辜的,因此一而再再而三的,路加福音与使徒行传中的人,被刻画成无辜的殉教者和先知。

    Even the Jewish leaders in Rome declare Paul innocent , so , over and over again , people in the Book of Acts and Luke are portrayed as innocent martyrs and prophets .

  26. 使徒行传的结尾,保罗在罗马,我刚刚也讲了,保罗最后作为犹太人的先知,他是无辜的殉教者,他被反复认为是无辜的。

    The end of Acts with Paul in Rome , again I just read it to you , Paul ends up as a prophet to the Jews , he is the innocent martyr , he 's proclaimed innocent over and over again .

  27. 耶稣是殉教的先知,是司提反,保罗,以及所有耶稣追随者的楷模,我们都是先知殉教者,我们被认为是先知殉教者,不再是偿赎。

    Jesus is the martyr prophet who 's an example for Stephen , or Paul , or all of us who are followers of Jesus , we 're all martyr prophets , we 're called to be martyr prophets , that 's not a ransom for many .