
fù dao
  • woman;rules that women should obey
妇道 [fù dào]
  • (1) [women]∶指妇女,旧时对成年女子的通称

  • 一个妇道人家是办不成这桩事的

  • (2) [rules that women should obey]∶妇人应遵守的道德规范

  • 怎么自家在山行走?又没个侍儿随从,这个是不遵妇道了。--《西游记.孙悟空三打白骨精》

妇道[fù dao]
  1. 在妇女的教育方面,主要包括文化教育和妇道教育。

    On women ' education , mainly included cultural and woman ethic education .

  2. 她她一点不守妇道。

    She-she didn 't behave at all well .

  3. 这根本不是出于妇道人家的稳重,这样做只是满足了她的虚荣心。

    It was not wifely modesty at all . By so much was her pride satisfied .

  4. 他老公骂他红杏出墙,不守妇道。结果不过是误会一场。

    His husband accused him of cheating , but it turned out to be a misunderstanding .

  5. 在过去,人们认为喜欢抛头露面的妇女是不守妇道的。

    In the past , people considered women who appeared in public to be lacking in virtue .

  6. 古代女性规范&妇道与孝道互渗中的女性性别建构。

    And ancient specification of women & formation of female gender in the mutual infiltration between filial virtues and female virtues .

  7. 《礼记》中繁琐的孝行与妇道也表明,其家庭伦理开始走向僵硬化、专制化。

    The complicated rules on filial piety and women conducts also show that its family ethics has become rigid and autocratic .

  8. 我不是说你做过什么有违妇道或者妇女不该做的事,像许多人所说的那样。

    I do n 't mean you 've ever been unwomanly or unsexed yourself , as lots of folks have said .

  9. 吴月娘的顺从之行并非出于本性,而是屈服于妇道的结果。

    Wu Yue niang 's obedience is not out of her natural character but as a result of yielding to women 's virtue .

  10. 对清教妇道观的有力抨击&评《喧哗与骚动》中女主人公的悲剧形象

    A Forceful Attack Against Puritanical Concept of Woman Morals ── On the tragic image of the heroine in The Sound and The Fury

  11. 应该说,她是美国南方妇道传统与双重标准的牺牲品,凯蒂的堕落和毁灭是来自男权制家庭和社会的各种势力共同作用造成的必然结果。

    Caddy 's downfall and destruction are the logi - cal culmination of various forces from patriarchal family and society working together against her .

  12. 惧内现象昭示着男权文化的式微及妇道教化的失败,也体现了妇女对低下社会地位的不满,对一夫多妻制的反抗。

    The henpecked phenomena show clearly the failure of sexism and reveal plainly women 's dissatisfaction of their humble social position and their resistance to polygamy .

  13. 剩下的三章分析了处在三个生活阶段的主人公斯佳丽是怎样由一个年仅16岁的颇受传统南方妇道观影响的千金小姐逐渐转变成一个有思想、有远见的南方新女性。

    The following three chapters analyze how Scarlett completes her transformation from a sixteen-year-old girl deeply influenced by traditional Southern Womanhood to a serious-minded and far-sighted woman .

  14. 对薛素姐淑女教养的失败,暴露出妇道的内在矛盾与现实危机。

    The failure of the education aimed at making Xue Sujie a lady brings light to the internal contradictions of the way of women and the crisis it encounters in reality .

  15. 最重要的是,她果然在这个厂的经营上赚了钱,而任何男人都不会因自己的老婆在这样不合妇道的活动中赚了钱而感到自在。

    On top of everything else , she was actually making money out of the mill , and no man could feel right about a wife who succeeded in so unwomanly an activity .

  16. 这一套话,只有沙多里斯一代的人以及像沙多里斯一样头脑的人才能编得出来,也只有妇道人家才会相信。

    This does not , only more than a generation of sand at and more like sand as the mind at talent can make up it , and only the somebody else will believe it .

  17. 妇道教育则是全体女性都要接受的教育,并且影响了辽代中后期妇女的节烈观念,使得妇女的离婚再嫁从自由趋向保守。

    However , all women had to accept woman ethic education what made an impact on women ' chastity concept in mid and late period of Liao Dynasty , and divorce from free tended to conservative .

  18. 美国南方的清教主义任意曲解《圣经》,拿《圣经》为种族主义辩护,并且从《圣经》中错误地生发出南方妇道观和父权制。

    Puritanism in South American contorts " the Holy Bible " arbitrarily , uses " the Holy Bible " to defend racism , and gives birth to southern women 's ethics and patriarchy wrongly from " the Holy Bible " .

  19. 通过这部小说,她并不象有些评论家所说的那样为逝去的旧南方高唱赞歌,而是抨击了旧南方和传统的南方妇道观,向读者揭示南方妇道观鼓励虚伪、危害社会、压抑女性。

    Through the novel , instead of singing a complimentary song for the past gone with the wind forever , she condemns the Old South and traditional Southern Womanhood and reveals to the reader that Southern Womanhood is encouraging hypocrisy , endangering society and suppressing women .