
fù nǚ jiě fànɡ yùn dònɡ
  • women's liberation movement;Women's Lib
  1. 国民革命与妇女解放运动的发展

    The National Revolution and the Development of Women 's Liberation Movement

  2. 她是公认的妇女解放运动领袖。

    She is a recognized leader in the women 's liberation movement .

  3. 西莉亚尽管私下鼓吹,却没有积极参与妇女解放运动。

    Despite her private advocacy , celia took no active part in women 's lib .

  4. 女性在妇女解放运动后获得了政治上的自由。

    Women gained political liberty after the Women 's Liberation Movement .

  5. 妇女解放运动采用了这个称呼。

    The women 's liberation movement adopted the designation as its own .

  6. 西方女性主义生发于妇女解放运动。

    Western feminism appeared in the women 's liberation movement .

  7. 脞议妇女解放运动的语言积淀

    The influence of Women 's Liberation Movement on English language

  8. 你有没有参加20世纪70年代的妇女解放运动?

    Were you involved with women 's Lib in the1970s ?

  9. 美国妇女解放运动与妇女文学(英文)

    American Women s Liberation Movement & Women s Literature ;

  10. 但是女性传播反抗的潜流却一直奔腾不息,成为后世妇女解放运动不可或缺的先导。

    Anyway , all has become the guide of upcoming female liberation movement .

  11. 现在谁反对妇女解放运动就是反潮流。

    Nowadays , those who oppose women 's liberation go against the stream .

  12. 你不支持妇女解放运动吗?

    Don 't you believe in women 's liberation ?

  13. 罗马从共和到帝制转变过程中的妇女解放运动述评

    Women 's Liberation Movement during the Transition of Rome from Republic to Empire

  14. 有穿裤子的自由成为妇女解放运动的标志。

    The freedom to wear trousers became a symbol of women 's liberation .

  15. 妇女解放运动与双性同体观念的衍变

    Women 's Emancipation Movement and the Evolution of the " Androgyny " Concept

  16. 妇女解放运动和同性恋解放运动团体。

    Women 's liberation and gay lib groups .

  17. 我对英国的妇女解放运动正在日渐高涨的断言提出异议。

    I challenge the assertion that there is increasing women 's liberation in britain .

  18. 近代中国妇女解放运动与女性服饰剧变

    Modern Chinese Women 's Liberation Movement and the Dramatic Changes in Women 's Apparel

  19. 她致力于妇女解放运动。

    She campaigned for the emancipation of women .

  20. 她是妇女解放运动成员吗?

    Is she a women 's libber ?

  21. 五四妇女解放运动与马克思主义妇女观的确立

    Women Liberation Movement in the May 4th Period and the Establishment of Marxist outlook on women

  22. 媒体无休止地报道这些焚烧应征卡的行为,却一直忽视女性妇女解放运动的抗议。

    The media reported ceaselessly on these card burnings , but kept on ignoring women 's lib protests .

  23. 支持者认为离婚代表一种社会进步,因为它与妇女解放运动相关。

    The supporters think divorce represents social progress , since it is related to the women 's liberation movement .

  24. 在妇女解放运动出现之初,只有少数家庭主妇公开表示支持。

    When the women 's liberation movement appeared , at first only a few housewives gave it open allegiance .

  25. 你的一个朋友将在关于妇女解放运动方面的讨论会上表达她的观点。

    A friend of yours is going to present her opinion at a discussion on the women 's liberation movement .

  26. 阿格妮丝?米勒是美国著名的早期妇女解放运动的领导人之一。

    Agnes Miller was one of the earliest well-known leaders of the women 's liberation movement in the United States .

  27. 妇女解放运动很晚才波及到那个美国城镇,在那儿许多中产阶级妇女也被卷入。

    Women 's lib came late into that US town , where many middle - class women were also drawn in .

  28. 于是一场由有识之士发起的倡导女性戒除缠足、求取新知的妇女解放运动便在中国的土地上蓬勃开展起来。

    Thus , a female emancipation movement which advocated casting off foot-binding , obtaining knowledge had been launched in the land .

  29. 产业女工队伍的壮大,为无产阶级妇女解放运动奠定了阶级基础;

    With the in creasing of industrial women number , the proletarian women liberation campaign came to possess its class base .

  30. 随着中西文化交流的加强和妇女解放运动的蓬勃发展,一大批杰出的中国女性翻译家活跃在了翻译领域。

    A galaxy of Chinese women translators emerged with the development of Sino-Western cultural exchange and Chinese women 's emancipation movement .