
  • silent;quiet;still;hushed;sleepy;quiescent;soundless;noiseless
  1. 火花升腾像数千流星冲入寂静的夜空。

    The sparks shot up like thousands of shooting stars into the still night air .

  2. 这在寂静的空中发出低沉、持续的响声,犹如孤独的小鸟在林中啁啾,似乎带着沉思冥想的韵味。

    This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air , that seemed meditative like the chirping of a solitary little bird .

  3. 一声尖叫划破了寂静的夜晚。

    A scream broke the silence of the night .

  4. 瓦朗斯是里昂南面一座寂静的小镇。

    Valence is a sleepy little town just south of Lyon .

  5. 我们穿过了一片寂静的松树林。

    We hiked through a silent pine forest .

  6. 寂静的山村,顿时沸腾起来。

    The quiet mountain village suddenly became astir .

  7. 她在1962年出版的畅销书《寂静的春天》让人们认识到了污染带来的威胁和化学物质对人类及世界湖泊海洋的危害。

    Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world 's lakes and oceans .

  8. 忧愁在我心中沉寂平静,正如黄昏在寂静的林中。

    Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees .

  9. 譬如祭坛石门中的落日,寂静的光辉平铺的一刻,地上的每一个坎坷都被映照得灿烂;

    For example , when the setting sun moves to the spot inside the stone arch of the altar , its rays spread across the ground and each rough spot on the ground is resplendent in the sunshine ;

  10. 寂静的音乐&RickJoy及他的沙漠建筑

    Silent Music & Rick Joy and His Desert Architecture

  11. 事实上,这部纪录片正在被与雷切尔•卡森(RachelCarson)的开创性著作《寂静的春天》(SilentSpring)相提并论。后者曾被广泛视为在1960年代教育了一代美国人,让他们认识到了保护自然环境的重要性。

    Indeed , it is being compared to Rachel Carson 's seminal work ' Silent Spring , ' widely regarded as educating a generation of Americans in the 1960s about the importance of protecting the natural environment .

  12. 她出生于加拿大,最近发行了第二十张专辑&“寂静的夜晚”,这张唱片结合了英国bossanova的感官刺激与爵士乐的平滑舒缓的节奏。

    The Canadian-born performer recently released her twelfth album . " Quiet Nights " combines the sensual beat of Brazilian bossa nova with the smooth sound of jazz .

  13. 我们寂静的夜晚已不复存在。

    That 's our quiet evening in gone for a burton .

  14. 忽然一声巨响响彻了寂静的天空。

    Suddenly there was a loud noise from the silent sky .

  15. 实在很难形容那全然寂静的景况。

    It would be hard to convey the stillness of it .

  16. 寂静的虚空里诞生了神秘的东西。

    Something mysterious is formed , born in the silent void .

  17. 每个晚上,太阳从我们寂静的小城降落;

    Every evening that the sun sets on a tranquil town ;

  18. 我喜欢你是寂静的,好像你转身离去。

    I like you are silent , as if you turn away .

  19. 此外,狼人不仅是这场寂静的原因,也是其后果。

    And worgen are both the reason and result of this silence .

  20. 我们终于走到了!这是一条寂静的小径。

    Here we are ! It is a sleepy pass .

  21. 那房间是完全寂静的。

    This room was in a state of perfect calm .

  22. 公主恨透了寂静的门后那个女人。

    The princess hated the woman behind that silent door .

  23. 寂静的夜里,我可以听到哭喊尖叫声。

    I would hear cries and screams in the dead of night .

  24. 歌手打破了寂静的海岸&一个醒目的大标题!

    Singer breaks shores of silence , screamed the headline .

  25. 缓慢流动着悲伤与寂静的巨大河流。

    Sluggish flowing the great river with sorrow and silence .

  26. 寂静的夜晚,我茫然自失。

    In the silence of the night I loose myself .

  27. 他不会说英语,参观过程中一言未发。无声的;寂静的;

    He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit .

  28. 难道只有我要面对这寂静的恐怖吗?

    Do I have to face this only quiet terror ?

  29. 没有人敢打搅这寂静的声音。

    And no one deared disturb the sound of silence .

  30. 在寂静的、挤满人的大厅里,她站起身说话。

    In the hushed , packed hall she stood up to speak .