
  • 网络Silent spring
  1. 她在1962年出版的畅销书《寂静的春天》让人们认识到了污染带来的威胁和化学物质对人类及世界湖泊海洋的危害。

    Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world 's lakes and oceans .

  2. 「寂静的春天」成为了非常畅销的书,并且在国际间也引起了相当大的?响。

    Silent Spring became a runaway best seller , with international reverberations .

  3. 事实上,这部纪录片正在被与雷切尔•卡森(RachelCarson)的开创性著作《寂静的春天》(SilentSpring)相提并论。后者曾被广泛视为在1960年代教育了一代美国人,让他们认识到了保护自然环境的重要性。

    Indeed , it is being compared to Rachel Carson 's seminal work ' Silent Spring , ' widely regarded as educating a generation of Americans in the 1960s about the importance of protecting the natural environment .

  4. 1962年,由瑞切尔。卡森所著的《寂静的春天》问世了。

    Then , in1962 , came a book called Silent Spring by Rachel Carson .

  5. 在寂静的春天里创作的普拉斯

    Sylvia Plath : Writing in the Silent Spring

  6. 1965年的一件诉讼案,其对于环境的重要意义不亚于《寂静的春天》的出版。

    In1965 a court action took place that ranks in environmental importance with the publication of Silent Spring .

  7. 简论从《寂静的春天》到科学发展观&可持续发展观从源头到归属及其他

    From the Silent Spring to the View of Science Development Brief of sustainable development evolution from headstream to ascription and other

  8. 她把对知更鸟在来年春天便不再歌唱的担忧写在一本书里,书名叫《寂静的春天》。

    She wrote a book about her fear that 2 ) would sing no more in future spring times . She called it Silent Spring .

  9. 在缅因州,有以她的名字命名的野生动物保护区,她的出版商还不时地收到刚阅读过《寂静的春天》的人写来的信。

    There 's a wildlife preserve , named for her , in Maine , and her publishers still get occasional letters from people who just read Silent Spring .

  10. 六十年代以来,欧美工业国家正进行第三次科技革命,生态文学作品《寂静的春天》主要描写人类利用科技对自然的破坏。

    Since 1960s , Euro-American industrialized countries have been taking place the Third Revolution of Science and Technology . Silent Spring mainly describes human beings destroy nature with scientific technology .

  11. 20世纪60年代,美国女海洋生物学家蕾切尔?卡逊出版的《寂静的春天》一书拉开了当代环境运动的序幕。

    In the 1960s , a book named " Silent Spring " which was abdicated by an US female oceanographer Rachel Carson has begun the prologue of the contemporary environment movement .

  12. 《穹顶之下》刚在网上播出之后,陈吉宁曾称赞其像1962年出版的《寂静的春天》这部具有里程碑意义的书,该书激发了美国的环保运动。

    Right after the online release of Under the Dome , Mr. Chen praised it as akin to Silent Spring , the landmark 1962 book that energized the environmental movement in the United States .

  13. 蕾切尔·卡逊是美国著名的生态文学家,她所著的《寂静的春天》被世界公认为环保运动的奠基之作,其中蕴含着丰富的生态哲学思想。

    Rachel Carson is a famous ecological literature of America , her book that " Silent Spring " is recognized as the world environmental protection movement for the mountains , which contains a wealth of ecological philosophy .

  14. 40多年前,当人们醉心于科技与经济飞速发展的时候,蕾切尔·卡逊发表了《寂静的春天》,第一次指出滥用杀虫剂对生态和人自身的巨大危害。

    More than 40 years ago , when people reveled in the rapid development of scientific technology and economy Rachel Carson published her famous book Silent Spring pointing out the mortally harm to ecology and human done by pesticide abusement .

  15. 通过《寂静的春天》她提出要停止滥用杀虫剂,更重要的是,她唤起了公众的环保意识,使人们认识到人类只是大自然中的一个普通成员。

    She advocated stopping the abuse of pesticide through her novel Silent Spring . More important , she successfully drew the public attention to the relationship between human and nature , made them realize that human being is one of the common members of nature .