
wēn shì qì tǐ
  • greenhouse gas;GHG;Greenhouse Gas, GHG
  1. 甲烷常被认为是仅次于二氧化碳的重要温室气体。

    Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide .

  2. 可以通过植树对航空飞行进行碳中和,以抵消温室气体的排放。

    You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions .

  3. 国家越富裕,它们制造的温室气体就越多。

    As countries become richer , they produce more greenhouse gases .

  4. 当一个国家的财富增加时,它排放的温室气体也在增加。

    As a country 's wealth grows , so do its greenhouse gas emissions .

  5. 不足4%的国家排放出了全球一半多世界温室气体。

    Fewer than 4 % of countries are responsible for more than half of the world 's greenhouse gas emissions .

  6. 进而导致二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量增加。

    The   result   would   be   higher   emissions   ofcarbon   dioxide   and   other   greenhouse   gases .

  7. 然而,不能全面解决温室气体排放问题,将把我们的世世代代置于无法估量的风险之中。

    Failure   to   address   comprehensively   the   problem   of   greenhouse   gasemissions ,   however ,   exposes   all   generations ,   present   and   future ,   to   incalculable   risks .

  8. 各国政府齐聚巴黎,参加联合国气候变化大会,针对减少温室气体排放这一主题,签订通用的且具有法律效力的协议。

    Nations   from   around   the   world   have   gathered   in   Paris   for   the   United   Nations   Climate   Change Conference ,   COP   21 ,   with   the   goal   of   a   universal   and   potentially   legally-binding   agreement   onreducing   greenhouse   gas   emissions .

  9. 美国环境保护署(U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)指出,大多数废物都是危险的,因为"产品的生产、分销和使用——以及由此产生的废物的管理——都会导致温室气体的排放。"

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that " the production , distribution , and use of products — as well as management of the resulting waste — all result in greenhouse gas release . "

  10. 这是第一次从国家层面,将温室气体减排的责任压实到企业。

    This is the first time the country has clarified the responsibilities of the enterprises to cut greenhouse gas emissions .

  11. 那些被送往垃圾填埋场的腐烂的食物残渣都会变成甲烷——最强效的温室气体之一。

    All those rotting scraps1 that end up in landfill turn into methane2 – one of the most powerful warming gases .

  12. 经证实,这些被称为温室气体的化学物质导致气温升高,而气温升高和气候变化有关。

    These chemicals , known for being greenhouse gases , have been proven to contribute to rising temperatures associated with climate change .

  13. 这使一些宠物主人开始担心自家狗给地球造成的影响,因为肉类生产是温室气体的主要来源。

    That 's led some owners to worry about the impact of their dog on the planet , as meat production is a major source of greenhouse gases .

  14. 铁矿烧结过程温室气体COx排放规律的研究

    Rule of Greenhouse Gas CO_x Emission in Iron Ore Sintering Process

  15. 温室气体减排与CO2资源化宏观研究与探讨

    Macroscopic study of reduction of greenhouse gases emission and CO_2 as a resource

  16. 目前大气中人为排放CO2等温室气体的速度正在明显增加。

    The man-made emission of greenhouse gases ( e.g.CO2 ) has obviously speeded up .

  17. 无机盐活化剂&氨基酸盐基溶液捕集温室气体CO2

    CO_2 capture through membrane gas Absorption with aqueous solution of inorganic salts-amino acid salts

  18. 温室气体中最主要的气体是二氧化碳,因此用碳(Carbon)一词作为代表。

    In the greenhouse gas the most main gas is a carbon dioxide , therefore ( Carbon ) a word takes representative with the carbon .

  19. 超临界CO2-碱金属体系是对温室气体二氧化碳进行资源化利用的一个绿色化学体系。

    The ScCO_2-alkali metal system , which is used to convert CO_2 into useful carbon-based materials , belongs to green chemistry system .

  20. 芦苇湿地温室气体甲烷(CH4)排放研究

    CH _ 4 emissions from the reed wetland

  21. 我国温室气体监测用四氟化碳(CF4)标准气体研究现状

    Research Current Situation of the Carbon Tetrafluoride Calibration Gas for Greenhouse Gas Control of Our Country

  22. 在LNG的液化过程中,天然气中的水、惰性气体、C5等烃类基本被脱去,燃烧时温室气体排放量低,被公认为是未来世界普遍采用的燃料。

    In the LNG liquified process , water , inert gases , hydrocarbons like C5 are eliminated .

  23. 温室气体浓度增加(以CO2为主)引起的温盐环流演变在未来气候系统中扮演非常重要的角色。

    Changes in the thermohaline circulation ( THC ) arising from the increase in the CO_2 concentration in the atmosphere will dominate the future climate regimes .

  24. 2006年的斯特恩报告(Sternreview)揭示,总体来说,运输部门产生了高达14%的全球温室气体排放,仅次于发电行业。

    For transport as a whole , the2006 Stern review revealed that the sector contributes up to14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions , second only to power generation .

  25. 土壤碳氮过程对大气温室气体如CO2和N2O收支起着十分重要的角色。

    Soil carbon and nitrogen processes play an important role in the budget of atmospheric greenhouse gases , such as carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and nitrous oxide ( N2O ) .

  26. CH4是大气中一种重要的温室气体,与土壤圈有着频繁的交换过程。

    : CH4 is a main kind of greenhouse gases , and has a frequent exchange process with soil biosphere .

  27. 随着全球工业化进程加速,温室气体CO2过度排放造成的全球气候变暖问题越来越严重,由此导致的气候异常引起了严重的环境危机。

    With fast development of global industrialization , the earth becomes warmer and warmer due to the excessive emission of greenhouse gas CO2 , leading to serious environmental crisis .

  28. 全球温室气体的的90%来源于化石燃料燃烧所释放出的CO2,故控制CO2的排放也就成了解决气候变暖的有效途径。

    Among all of global greenhouse gases . 90 % release from fossil fuel combustion , so that control CO2 emissions will become an effective way to solve global warming .

  29. 甲烷(CH4)是一种主要的温室气体,其在空气中含量的增加会导致全球气候变暖。

    Methane ( CH4 ) is one of the main greenhouse gases ( GHGs ), the increasing of what affected global climate change .

  30. 另外,由于矿物燃料的燃烧,人类向大气中排放了大量的二氧化碳(CO2)等多种温室气体,使得全球气候日益变暖。

    In addition , a lot of CO2 and other greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere since the burning of fossil , which is leading to the growing global climate warming .