
guāng wū rǎn
  • light pollution
光污染[guāng wū rǎn]
  1. 光污染在很大程度上是由于糟糕的照明设计造成的,这使得人造光可以向外和向上照射到天空中。

    Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design , which allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky .

  2. 这种工程的好处是伴随着被称为光污染的后果而来的,科学家们现在才开始研究光污染的影响。

    The benefits of this kind of engineering come with consequences — called light pollution – whose effects scientists are only now beginning to study .

  3. 从非常现实的意义上说,光污染让我们看不到我们自身在宇宙中所处的实际位置,忘记我们人类在浩瀚的银河当中是多么地渺小。而银河只是我们头顶上方银河系中微不足道的一部分。

    In a very real sense light pollution causes us to lose sight of our true place in the universe , to forget the scale of our being , which is best measured against the dimensions of a deep night with the Milky Way — the edge of our galaxy arching overhead .

  4. 这一特殊名号是给予全球光污染程度低、天文条件良好的地区。

    The special status is given to areas around the globe with low levels of light pollution and good conditions for astronomy .

  5. 此地毫无光污染以及世界级Galáctica天文台/博物馆将于今年正式开馆的消息,引发了该县的“天文观测游”热,即导游引领的星夜漫步旅游。

    The absence of light pollution in the skies - plus the news that Gal á ctica , an observatory / museum of global importance , is scheduled to open here this year - has led to the rise of " astro-tourism " in the county , with guided starlight walks .

  6. 海上光污染及其立法规制初探

    Discussion on light pollution at sea and its administration by legislation

  7. 过亮的灯光也造成光污染。

    Lights that are brighter than necessary also cause light pollution .

  8. 该研究对象可以概括为居住区夜间光污染环境。

    It can be called residential area lighting pollution at night .

  9. 光污染侵权,是近年来出现频率较高的一种侵权行为。

    Light pollution tort , is a higher frequency tort recently .

  10. 对一次光污染事件的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Photochemical Pollution Accident Coherence of light

  11. 光污染防治的立法探析

    The initial inquiry about the legislature of the light pollution prevention law

  12. 光污染环境防治探讨

    Discussion on Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution by Light

  13. 光污染、射频干扰和空间残块问题座谈会

    Colloquium on Light Pollution , Radio Interference and Space Debris

  14. 略谈城市夜景照明设计及光污染

    Study on the City Night - piece Illuminance Design & Light Contamination

  15. 彩光污染&光污染系列之三

    Colourful light pollution & he series three of light pollution

  16. 文章的第五部分是对于光污染防治立法的建议。

    The fifth part is the recommendations for light pollution control legislation .

  17. 除黑色之外的颜色显示受到光污染的不同水平。

    Anything but black shows some level of light pollution .

  18. 和其它形式的污染一样,光污染也会对环境造成损害。

    Like other forms of pollution , it also harms the environment .

  19. 积极探索并加强光污染防治。

    Further methods to prevent light pollution will be developed .

  20. 希望对彻底解决光污染难题有所帮助。

    Hoped it was useful to solve the difficult problem of light pollution .

  21. 无光污染镀膜玻璃的理论研究

    The theoretic research on no light pollution coating glass

  22. 光污染现象也日益严重。

    The phenomenon of light pollution is getting worse .

  23. 说明了我国当前的光污染案件判定的依据。

    Of light pollution cases to determine the basis .

  24. 有一张受到光污染最严重的地区的图表。

    And a chart of the most light-polluted countries .

  25. 白亮污染&光污染系列之一

    Brightness pollution , series number one of light pollution

  26. 城市光污染侵害案件法律适用问题的探讨

    Investigations on law applicability issues about the cases of city optical pollution trespass

  27. 你曾否被光污染所影响?

    Have you ever been suffered from light pollution ?

  28. 光污染正在威胁着人们的健康,并且危害程度有逐渐加剧的趋势。

    The light pollution is threatening people 's health .

  29. 玻璃幕墙的光污染问题及对策

    Light pollution caused by glazed wall and its counter-strategies

  30. 光污染问题已经成为城市发展中的主要问题。

    ABSTRACT : The optic pollution has been becoming an important urban issue .