
  • 网络moderate inflation;mild inflation;Low inflation
  1. 一方面,温和的通货膨胀政策有助于刺激经济;另一方面,较高的通胀水平会导致居民的生活水平下降,给他们的福利造成损失。

    On one hand , mild inflation policy helps to stimulate the economy . On the other hand , higher inflation will lead to lower living standard and brings people welfare costs .

  2. 中国经济在2002年底走出通货紧缩的阴影后,又从2003年8月起进入了温和的通货膨胀时期,如何保持国民经济的平稳较快发展,是宏观经济管理需要解决的重大课题。

    The economy in China had stepped out of the shadow of inflation by the end of 2002 and entered the mild inflation since August 2003 . How to develop the national economy stably and rapidly is a key topic badly needed to be solved in macro-economic management .

  3. 在国际大宗商品价格上涨的背景下,我国又发生了温和的通货膨胀。

    And when the international commodity prices were rising , China happened inflation .

  4. 恶性通货膨胀是罕见的,但已被用来研究的代价和后果,甚至温和的通货膨胀。

    Hyperinflations are rare , but have been used to study the costs and consequences of even moderate inflation .

  5. 经济学原理告诉我们:温和的通货膨胀带来的货币幻觉有利于经济增长。

    Principles of economics tells us : " money illusion " caused by moderate inflation is conducive to economic growth .

  6. 温和的通货膨胀报告开启了英国央行采取量化宽松政策的大门,英镑兑美元走弱,下跌至1.5100。

    The Sterling was weaker as the dovish inflation report opened the door for further BoE QE trading down to1.5100 against the Usd .

  7. 为确保我国宏观经济的持续增长,3%-6%的温和的通货膨胀政策,应是我国中长期宏观经济操作的主要目标和基本归宿。

    To ensure the macro economy increasing continuously , the moderate inflation policy at the rate of 3 to 6 percent should be the medium term and long objective of macro economic policy in China .

  8. 我们认为,在相对温和的通货膨胀率背景下,今年年末欧元区利率目标位仍是4.25%,但是如果经济一直加速增长,实际上升息的风险也会因此加大。

    Given the relatively benign inflation picture , we keep our year-end target for Euro-zone rates at4.25 % , but acknowledge that the risks are on the upside if growth continues to pick up momentum .

  9. 银价过高引发白银外流及国内的通货紧缩,银价低则货币供给充裕,并伴发温和的通货膨胀。

    The fact that the too higher price of silver would cause the silver out flow and domestic deflation , while the lower price of silver could lead to sufficient money supply as well as mild inflation , influenced China 's macroeconomic .

  10. 投资一个单位正向冲击在开始的2&4年左右导致相对温和的通货膨胀,但后五年左右将导致相对严重的通货紧缩。

    However , the absorption effects surpass the intensification results . ( 4 ) The positive shock of investing in a unit will lead to mitigate inflation in the first 2-4 years , but will result in relatively serious deflation in the late five years .