
  • 网络Imported inflation;Import Inflation;Import of Infaltion
  1. 输入型通货膨胀成为影响我国物价水平的重要因素之一。(4)目前,国内通胀水平居高不下,很大程度上是由前期投放的货币过量导致的。

    Imported inflation has become one of the most important factors which affect our consumer price level . ( 4 ) At present , the domestic inflation remains high level , to a large extent is caused by the excess release of money before .

  2. 许多学者认为,国际市场上主要大宗商品价格的普遍上涨是造成近两次输入型通货膨胀的主要原因之一。

    Many scholars believe that the general rise of commodity prices in international market is one of the main reasons of the recently twice imported inflation .

  3. 由于输入型通货膨胀的传导途径多样并且复杂,因此输入型通胀治理对策的选择与调整很容易存在系统性误差。

    The transduction pathways of transmitted inflation is diverse and complicated , so the selection and adjustment of the countermeasures is very easy to appear systemic error .

  4. 国家采取上调存款准备金率以及提高存贷款利息率等货币政策治理输入型通货膨胀,虽然短期内对抑制物价上涨有一定的作用,但对长期防范输入型通胀的发生并无明显效果。

    By adopting monetary policy , including raising reserve requirements and rediscount rates , the price rises has been brought under control in short term , but the prevention of transmitted inflation in long-term was still difficult .

  5. 美联储通过量化宽松货币政策向世界注入了大量流动性,迫使外围国家货币被动升值,国际大宗商品价格持续上涨,新兴市场国家向临严峻的输入型通货膨胀和资产泡沫风险。

    The Fed injected large amount of liquidity into the world economy , forcing periphery countries ' currency to appreciate passively , the international commodity prices continuing to rise and the emerging market facing severe imported inflation and assets bubble risks .

  6. 输入型的通货膨胀对中国有很大的影响,这也是我们难以控制的。

    Imported inflation has had a big impact on China , and it is a factor that we can hardly control .