
  • 网络subjectivity;intersubjectivity;identity;agency
  1. 据此,本文阐释了基督教哲学家在Being、Physis和Koinonia之间确立的新关系,以及从不同方面(主体性、历史性、关系性和动力学)所赋予Being的新意义。

    It explains the new relation between On ( Being ), Physis ( Nature ) and Koinonia ( Community ) established by Christian philosophers , and new meanings assumed from different aspects ( subjectivity , historicity , relation and dynamics ) .

  2. 第五、建构主体性道德,实现大学生道德自律。

    Fifth , construct subjectivity moral , realize students moral self-discipline .

  3. IRE、调查性报道与中国观照研究性学习与主体性观照

    IRE , Investigative Reporting and the China Reflection The Relationship between Inquiry Study and Leading Parts

  4. 在黑格尔(GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel)的《精神现象学》中,黑格尔讨论了三种不同的心灵类型:主体性的心灵,一个个体的心灵;

    In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 's Phenomenology of Mind , Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind : the subjective mind , the mind of an individual ;

  5. 再思女性的主体性&女性主义与后殖民理论

    Reconsideration of Women 's Subjectivity & Feminist and Post Colonist Theories

  6. 作者何以死去?&论当代西方文论中的作者主体性问题

    The question of the author in twentieth century western literary theory

  7. 试论人在文化诗学建构中的主体性意义

    On the Subjectivity in the Construction of the Poetics of Culture

  8. 课程实施的单向性使教学双方的主体性丧失。

    One-way teaching results in the loss of bilateral subject consciousness .

  9. 论学生主体性的培养与历史教学

    On the Training of Student - Centering Habit and History Teaching

  10. 科学认识的主体性境域问题探微

    The Investigation about the Problem of Subjective Condition in Scientific Cognition

  11. 新形势下高校道德教育中交互主体性的建构

    Construction of Interaction Subjectivity in College Moral Education Under New Circumstances

  12. 浅议方案教学对儿童主体性发展的作用

    On the Role of Project Approach in Initiative Development of Children

  13. 主体性教学模式的理论建构与实践探索

    Theoretical construction and practical exploration of student - centered teaching pattern

  14. 个人的主体性地位得到强化;

    The status of the individuals main body having been strengthened ;

  15. 主体性的观点有着坚实的马克思主义哲学的基础。

    The subjective viewpoint has the solid Marxist philosophy foundation .

  16. 人的主体性与教育目标的建构和实现

    On Man 's Subjectivity and Education Target Construction and Realization

  17. 现代阐释学视野下的文学文本翻译者的主体性问题

    Hermeneutics and the Understanding of the Literary Translator 's Subjectivity

  18. 公共政策失败的决策主体性分析

    The Analysis of Policymakers ' Subjectivity in Public Policy Failures

  19. 课程改革如何体现学生的主体性

    How to Embody the Students ' Main Body Quality in Curriculum Reform

  20. 论和谐社会政治文化构建的主体性原则

    On Entity Principle of Politics and Culture Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society

  21. 教师能动作用的遮蔽阻碍了教育教学改革和培养学生主体性的实践;

    The defilade of teacher 's dynamic obstructed the reform of education .

  22. 自然历史过程与主体性的界限

    The Natural - Historical Process and the Limit of Subjectivity

  23. 女性存在的价值通过其主体性的发挥而得以建构。

    The female value is constructed by elaborating their subjectivity .

  24. 人的道德主体性与主体道德教育

    Man 's Moral Subjectivity and the Subjective Moral Education

  25. 对近几年高考话题作文的主体性审视

    On the Entity of Topic Composition of the College-entrance Examination in Recent Years

  26. 单一主体性思维模式已使后现代翻译研究陷入困境。

    A subjectivity-based mode of thinking has put postmodern translation studies into trouble .

  27. 论互联网络青年道德主体性的失落及其建设

    On Loss and Construction of Network Youths Moral Subjectivity

  28. 发挥学生主体性的课堂艺术

    Artistry of Students ' Main Body in Classroom Teaching

  29. 由此,建立了现象学这种现代意义的主体性哲学。

    Thus , Husserl founded phenomenology , which is philosophy of modern senses .

  30. 教育活动应当是主体性活动,教学过程也应当是主体教学过程。

    So teaching activity should centre on the students .