
  • 网络Subjective Time;sense of subjective time
  1. 主观时间是我们人类从自己的角度构建的时间系统。

    The subjective time is a time system constructed by humans .

  2. 本文探讨的就是阿拉伯人的客观时间和主观时间。

    This article discusses the objective and subjective time of the Arabs .

  3. 绝对主观时间:具体数字时间。

    The absolutely subjective time : exactly numeric time .

  4. 阿拉伯民族的客观时间与主观时间

    The Objective Time and Subjective Time of the Arabs

  5. 并让主观时间和客观时间和谐相处。

    And let the " subjective time " and " objective time " harmonious get along .

  6. 实际上,‘年’这个时间是一个主观时间,下面我们进一步讨论什么是主观时间。

    Actually " year " is a kind of subjective times which the followings will be discussed .

  7. 结果表明高低感觉寻求者在不同任务难度、客观时间间隔下主观时间估计有显著性差异,高感觉寻求者要更少估计时间;

    High sensation seekers estimate time shorter than the low groups during different cognitive complexity tasks and three time-intervals .

  8. 哲学史上对时间的研究主要从两个维度展开,即客观时间维度和主观时间维度。

    It mainly has two dimensions on the research of time in philosophy , objective time dimension and subjective time dimension .

  9. 同时,盖茨比是一个生活在过去的人。这也是他的主观时间的体验。

    Moreover , Gatsby is a person who lives in the past , which is also the reflection of his experience of subjective time .

  10. 人们既生活在根据自然现象划分的客观时间中,也生活在受自己生活经验和思想感情影响的主观时间中。

    While people live in the objective time which is defined by natural phenomena , they also live in the subjective one which is influenced by their own emotion and life experiences .

  11. 笔者通过对客观时间、主观时间的介绍,阐明了基本乐理中音长与客观时间并不完全相等,并探讨了音乐时间伸缩性的由来。

    Through the explanation of the objective time and subjective one , the writer clarified that the tone length in basic music theory not completed equal to the objective time . Furthermore , the papers discussed the origin of the music time flexibility .

  12. 本研究首次以整个并集(我们定义为对一定主观时间背景下的心理生活的洞察力)为范围,对时间认知和体验展开了进一步的探讨。

    It was the first time to explore the whole union set , which was defined as the perspective of mental life in certain subjective time structure by us , in order to understand meaning of the cognition and feeling of time as TP factors .

  13. 在低、中等任务难度下估计的时间要比高任务难度主观估计的时间更长。

    They estimate time longer in simple tasks than in difficult tasks .

  14. 其次辨析了聚众二字,笔者把聚分为行为要素、主观要素、时间要素三个部分进行探讨。

    The paper then distinguishes the two characters " assemble " and " crowd " . The writer explores three aspects : behavioral elements , subjective elements , and temporal elements .

  15. 相反,当超过人们的主观期望之后,时间价值就对时间焦虑感起积极作用。

    On the contrary , when time value exceeds what people expect , value of time will be positively associated with the experience of time urgency .

  16. 针对数字半色调方法实现过程的不同,对数字半色调图像的质量在主观、客观和时间复杂性方面分别进行分析。

    Focusing on the difference of halftone image realization processes , digital halftone image quality is analyzed from three facets , which are subject , object and complexity .

  17. 使用MATLAB7.0对本文提出的彩色图像分割方法进行仿真实现;并对比传统彩色图像分割方法进行图像分割主观评价以及响应时间、定量分析分割效果比较。

    Using MATLAB 7 to implement of color images segmentation . Compared with the traditional method of color image segmentation image segmentation efficiency , response time and subjective comparison segmentation .

  18. 根据人类的主观认识,以时间线上的‘现在’为基准点,可分为‘过去、现在、未来’。

    According to subjective cognizance of human being , " Now " in time line being reference point , time may be divided into ' Past , Now and Future ' .