
  • 网络SITTWE;akyab
  1. Reuters缅甸总统吴登盛与印度总理辛格上周在新德里。印度外交部在新闻吹风会上说,印度终于认真考虑了开发缅甸西部若开邦(Rakhine)实兑港(Sittwe)计划。

    In a briefing , India 's Ministry of External Affairs said it finally was serious about plans to develop Myanmar 's Sittwe port in western Rakhine state .

  2. 此外,中国还在皎漂(KyaukPhyu)建设一个深水港,距印度开发的实兑港不远。

    It 's also building a new deep-water port at Kyauk Phyu , not far from India 's development at Sittwe .

  3. 鉴于目前马六甲海峡的形势,中国应该修建一条从缅甸西部的实兑深水港到昆明的输油管道。

    Given the current situation in the Malacca Strait , China should build an oil pipeline from the deep-water port of Sittwe in western Myanmar to Kunming City of China .

  4. 而目前出现了两条新的原油运输通道:一是在建的中缅输油管道,以缅甸的实兑港为起点,通过输油管线经过曼德勒、瑞丽,最后到达中国昆明。

    One is the building the Sino-Burmese oil pipeline & make the Sittwe as a starting point , through the pipeline through Mandalay , Ruili and arrive in Kunming at last .

  5. 缅甸实兑港的扩修涉及改善加拉丹航道和在印度边境修建一条新的长达117公里的公路,这将给印度处于内陆地区的东北部邦提供关键的入海口。

    The Sittwe Port expansion , upgrading of the Kaladan Waterway and a new 117-kilometer long road on the Indian side of the border , will give India 's landlocked northeastern states vital access to the sea .