- real number theory

Not only does GO-space provide rich examples , but also GO-space buildes a bridge between general topology and related mathematics branches , such as Lattics theory , Domain theory , Graph theory , Real number theory , etc.
The six equivalent propositions of real number theory are Weierstrass condensation point theorem , Cauchy criterion for convergence , contract consecutive interval theorem , the existence theorem of supremum and infimum , monotone and boundedness theorem , and finite covering theorem .
The theory of real number is the important base of Mathematic Analysis .
The Problem of Real Number Set and the Introduction of Sufficient Accurate Analysis
A Re-discussion on the Theory of Real Numbers
This kind of stuff is heavy on the surreal number theory : about as digestible as an Egyptian mummy soaked in tabasco sauce for three thousand years .
The purpose of this note is to point out : the principle of nested intervals is important not only in the theory of real number but for various applied problems .
ⅱ: give a new definition to the distance of the fuzzy numbers . We get the relevant theorems and conclusions based on the new definition , imitating the real analysis .
This paper develops cantor 's theory of making real numbers field with cauchy sequence . It put forwards the new concept of hyper cau - chy sequence .
An Application of the Theory of Real Number 's Continuity in Plane Geometry
The theories of real continuity lead to the fundamental basis of limit theory .
However , his proof required the assumption that the theory of ' real numbers " * was satisfactory .
The Real Number Completeness should be highlighted from the completely recognized theory of the real number collection to the explanation of a series of definitions in the Real Number Theory .