
  • 网络Karen;Kayin State;Kayin;karen state
  1. 克伦邦(Kayin)有7%的人口,说的语言与缅甸语相关。

    The Karen ( Kayin ) make up7 % of the population , and speak languages distantly related to Burmese .

  2. 克伦邦其他地区也受到类似战争影响。

    Other areas of Karen State have been similarly affected by the fighting .

  3. 1988年九月,他躲到了泰缅边境地区,克伦邦(karenni)反政府军教会了他如何在丛林中作战与生存,他则给他们的孩子教授缅语及英语。

    In September 1988 , he went into hiding near the Thai border . While Karenni rebels taught him about jungle warfare and survival , he taught their children Burmese and English .

  4. 但没有克伦邦。他说,他的党将代表所有在缅甸的克伦人。

    He said that his party will represent all Karen people in Burma .

  5. 卡伦消息说他可能获得大选后的克伦邦首席部长的职位。

    Karen sources said he could be given the post of Chief Minister of Karen State after the election .

  6. 他被指控在克伦邦和缅甸其他地方分裂克伦族群社会。

    He was accused of dividing the Karen community in Karen State and those in other parts of Burma .

  7. 来自克伦邦通恩乡村。他还曾担任勃固省及克钦邦教育官员。还任过上缅甸基础教育处处长。

    He has also held the posts of education officer for Pegu Division and Kachin State , and director of the Upper Burma Basic Education Department .

  8. 2001年,时任副官的丁昂中将在一场直升飞机事故中死于克伦邦。吴登盛成了他的继任者。

    When Lt-Gen Tin Oo , who was then the Adjutant General , died in a helicopter crash in Karen State in2001 , Thein Sein became his successor .

  9. 他补充说,昨日上午10时左右发生袭击,后缅军车队返回克伦邦高克雷市。后来派出一些缅军部队清除道路。

    He added that the convoy headed back to Kawkareit in Karen state after the attack took place around10am yesterday , and later sent out some army troops to clear the route .

  10. 克伦人士说,如果缅军进攻成功,成千上万的人将逃到克伦邦北部丛林,成为克伦邦北部境内流离失所者。

    Karen sources said that if the offensive succeeds , thousands of people will flee into the jungle in northern Karen State , becoming internally displaced persons ( IDPs ) in northern Karen State .