
wéi hé
  • 维持和平 (esp. of UN troops) keep the peace;peace-keeping
  1. 他说,这使得联合国维和任务MONUC成为冲突的一方。

    He said that made the UN peace-keeping force known as MONUC a party to the conflict .

  2. 一支联合国维和先头部队本周到达了该地区。

    A UN peace-keeping vanguard arrived in the area this week .

  3. 必要的话我们会动用空军保护联合国维和人员。

    We will use air power to protect UN peacekeepers if necessary .

  4. 维和行动本身的特点决定了预先制订计划很困难。

    Peacekeeping , by its nature , makes pre-planning difficult

  5. 联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。

    UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border .

  6. 俄罗斯作为维和国家的记录有好有坏。

    Russia 's record as a peace-keeper is mixed .

  7. 联合国秘书长抵达东京竭力为国际维和争取支持。

    The UN secretary-general arrived in Tokyo to drum up support for international peacekeeping

  8. 联合国维和人员斡旋后实现了新一轮的停火。

    UN peacekeepers mediated a new ceasefire .

  9. 让人担心的是,使用武力可能会使联合国维和人员性命难保。

    The worry is that the use of force could make life impossible for the UN peacekeepers

  10. 克罗地亚不甘人后,提出了他们自己的维和方案。

    Not to be outdone , the Croats came up with a peacekeeping proposal of their own

  11. 他说白天发生的事件只会使维和部队的任务更为复杂。

    The day 's events , he said , would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces

  12. 人们非常担心联合国维和士兵在这种局势下会遭到攻击。

    There 's been much fear that the United Nations peacekeepers would be under attack in a situation like that .

  13. 对总统说来,局势同样难料。假如维和行动出了岔子,他就会显得无能。

    For the President , the calculations are equally difficult . If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak .

  14. 维和部队被迫撤走了。

    The peacekeeping forces were forced to withdraw .

  15. 联合国维和行动为和平而生,为和平而存,成为维护世界和平与安全的重要途径。维和行动给冲突地区带去信心,让当地民众看到希望。

    UN peacekeeping missions were created for maintaining peace . And as an important means of upholding world peace and security , they now bring confidence and hope to the people in conflict zones .

  16. 使用DB2CubeViews,应用程序可以将数据仓库表示为具有维和度量的多维数据集。

    Using DB2 Cube Views , an application can present a data warehouse as a cube with dimensions and measures .

  17. 一种结合有效降维和K-means聚类的协同过滤推荐模型

    Collaborative filtering recommendation model based on effective dimension reduction and K-means clustering

  18. MSCMarc程序具有2维和3维网格自适应功能。

    Msc Marc Program has 2D and 3D remeshing function .

  19. 在联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)批准将达尔富尔维和行动过渡给联合国部队的投票中,中国选择了弃权,主要原因是中国需要从苏丹购买石油。

    China abstained in a UN Security Council vote authorising the transition to a UN force in Darfur , primarily because it buys oil from Sudan .

  20. 从混沌时间序列同时计算关联维和Kolmogorov熵

    Computing fractal dimension and the Kolmogorov entropy from chaotic time series

  21. 一种统计降维和Kohonen网络相结合的文本聚类方法

    New text clustering method based on statistical reduction dimension and Kohonen network

  22. 利用MATLAB优化工具箱,以具有代表性的多峰函数为例,实现了用遗传算法求解一维和多维变量的函数优化问题,实验结果显示其收敛速度快,结果直观,性能好。

    By the MATLAB optimization toolbox , one-dimension and multi-dimension function optimization is solved effective with GA , straight graphics , data and better performance can also be obtained .

  23. 利用不同的掩模版,非常方便地制作了一维和二维凹面光栅,其粗糙度RMS值小于20nm。

    The RMS value of the surface roughness is within 20 nm .

  24. 最近一份针对联合国(un)维和部队在刚果进行黄金及武器走私的调查报告显示,并非所有印度商人都以如此高姿态的原则做生意。

    A recent report into allegations of gold and weapons smuggling by UN peacekeeping forces in the Congo suggested not all Indian businessmen operated by such high-minded principles .

  25. 一维和二维ADI-FDTD电磁仿真及其应用

    ADI-FDTD on One-dimensional and Two-dimensional Electromagnetic Simulation and Its Applications

  26. 结果表明,一维和二维TM模式的相位微分是一个很好的参数,对H型模型和A型模型都能得到较准确的地质体参数。

    It is pointed out that 1D and 2D TM phase-derivative is a useful parameter . The parameter of structures , whether H model or A model , can be derived .

  27. 详细归纳了Walsh函数的几种定义方式,并从演化数学的角度详细讨论了离散Walsh函数的两种演化生成方式,并在此基础上对一维和二维Walsh变换及其快速算法设计进行了讨论。

    The one-dimensional and two-dimensional Walsh transform and the fast algorithm was discussed in detail based on the Walsh function definition and creation .

  28. 安装维和喷嘴的位置相同,其前身尊重“联合国泵”的MSN设计。

    Mounting dimension and nozzle location same as its predecessor , the respected " United Pump " MSN design .

  29. 本文讨论了具有分层小区结构的CDMA(码分多址)系统中切换策略的性能,分别用一维和二维的马尔可夫模型来分析微蜂窝和宏蜂窝中的状态。

    This paper discusses CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access ) system performance with Hierarchical cell structure and analyzes handover strategy with one-dimensional Markov model in micro-layer and two-dimensional Markov model in macro-layer .

  30. 联合国官员周末期间表示,苏丹总统奥马尔巴希尔(omaral-bashir)已经同意在达尔富尔部署联合维和部队。

    At the weekend UN officials said President Omar al-Bashir had agreed to the deployment of the hybrid force .