
  • 网络Vico
  1. 维柯历史哲学中的神意概念探讨

    On the Concept of Providence in Vico 's Philosophy of History

  2. 论维柯《新科学》的人文主义思想

    The Thought of Humanism in Vico ′ s New Science

  3. 论维柯新科学的人文启示

    On the Humanities Enlightenment of Wei Ke 's " New Science "

  4. 探讨解读维柯的诗性智慧最终落脚点放在中国。

    The ultimate goal of poetic wisdom to be China .

  5. 文艺复兴与历史哲学的兴起&兼论维柯革命性的开拓

    The Renaissance and the Birth of Philosophy of History

  6. 我不会给你开维柯丁。

    I 'm not writing youa scrip for vicodin .

  7. 论维柯《新科学》的美学意义

    On the Aesthetic Significance of Vico 's New Science

  8. 论维柯思想的人文主义特征

    On the humanist characteristics of Vico 's thought

  9. 我知道他姑姑住在赛维柯里道,有一次他在那儿下的车。

    I know his aunt lives in Sewickley heights . I dropped him there once .

  10. 维柯是思想史上第一个论证原始思维的理论家。

    Vico is the first theoretician who demonstrated the primitive thinking in the idealistic history .

  11. 你刚吞了两片维柯丁?

    Did you just take two vicodin ?

  12. 维柯《新科学》中的美学思想

    The Aesthetic Ideas in New Science

  13. 从理论渊源看,它源自意大利历史哲学家维柯的《新科学》。

    Theoretically , it originates from New Science by Giambattista Vico , an Italian historical philosopher .

  14. 维柯对诗性智慧起源与特点的论证为审美思维的起源和特征提供了最初的思路。本文从以己度物的思维方式;

    His discuss on the origin and characteristic of poetic wisdom enlightened the study of aesthetic thinking .

  15. 钱德勒:好吧,我猜你不用我帮忙了,维柯多·维多利亚!

    Chandler : Yeah , well , I guess you don 't need my help , Victor Victoria !

  16. 维柯《新科学》的核心是诗性智慧,而诗性智慧的基础则是诗性形而上学。

    The core of Vico 's " New Science " is poetic wisdom , whose basis is poetic metaphysics .

  17. 诗性智慧是维柯在《新科学》中提出并论述的核心概念。

    " The poetic wisdom " is the core concept that Vico put forward and discussed in The New science .

  18. 在这个意义上,维柯不仅仅属于他生活的那个时代,也是属于所有的时代。

    In this sense , Vico not only belongs to the era of his life , but belongs to all times .

  19. 将奥古斯丁与维柯的历史哲学放在一起,作为比较和研究的对象,主要基于二者之间存在着一定的承继关系。

    To make a comparison between the philosophy of history of Augustine and Vico is mainly on the basis of their relationship .

  20. 维柯《新科学》在西方思想史上占据着特殊地位,它为多个学科开辟了道路。

    Vico 's New Science holds a special status in the western history of thinking , which find approaches to several disciplines .

  21. 在此书中,维柯非常深刻地理解了形而上学方法,从拉丁文单词的起源挖掘出了关于真理认识的最根本的问题的解释。

    In this book , Vico deeply used the Metaphysical method and dug out some most fundamental problem about understanding the truth .

  22. 第二,感性在维柯那里,不仅仅是一种必要的认识能力,在真理即创造原则下,人之感性能力在认识的同时也是一种创造。

    Second , for Vico , perception is not only a necessary cognitive ability , but also a capacity for practice and creation .

  23. 在本文的最后提出了诗性智慧在维柯学术思想中的地位。概括介绍了有关维柯从个人教育到社会教育的一些观点,并且对维柯的诗性教育观加以了总结。

    Finally , it introduces the Position of Poetic Wisdom in Vico Thoughts and summarizes his views about individual education and social education .

  24. 维柯的新科学,就是关于人类本性和人类自我发展的科学。

    Vico 's New Science , is a science of human nature and human self-development , although he did not forge that term .

  25. 因此在维柯的哲学体系中,每一种观点并不是孤零零的单独存在,而是相互交织,相互联系的。

    Therefore , in the Vico ' ssystem if philosophy , every of view is not a lonely existence , but intertwined , interconnected .

  26. 这个理论体系有着它的理论意义和实践意义,也因为维柯生活的社会环境和自身哲学指向,不可避免地有着不足。

    This system has important significance in theory and practice , and its drawback is unavoidable because special social environment and philosophy background of Vico .

  27. 作为一位视野宏阔、勇于开拓的大思想家,维柯在哲学与社会科学诸多领域都取得了斐然的成就。

    As a thinker with a wide view and great mind , Vico has acquired abundant achievements in the fields of philosophy and other social sciences .

  28. 想一想由各种药物成分,性激素、类固醇、维柯丁(一种止痛药)构成的鸡尾酒,会对一条鱼,对一只狗,一个孩子造成怎样的影响?

    Consider what a cocktail of pharmaceuticals -- hormones , steroids , Vicodin -- does to a fish , to a dog , to a child .

  29. 它完全不适用于一个似乎一直拿花生酱,果冻,三明治,啤酒,维柯丁塞胃活着的人。

    It seems completely out of character for a guy who seems to live on a spare diet of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches , beer and Vicodin .

  30. 维柯通过对神话与原始人类的考察,认为想象力是创造之眼,原初人的创造是由共同意识决定的。

    Surveying myth and hominid , Vico considers the imagination is the eye of creativity , and the creativity of hominid is determined by their " common sense " .