
jiāng dōng
  • Jiangdong;an area on the south of Yangtze River beyond Fuhu and Nanjing;south of the Changjiang River
江东 [jiāng dōng]
  • [south of the Changjiang River] 古时指长江下游芜湖、南京以下的南岸地区,也泛指长江下游地区

  • 据有江东。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

  • 避乱江东。--宋. 司马光《资治通鉴》

  • 起兵江东。

  • 割据江东。

江东[jiāng dōng]
  1. 亮(诸葛亮)借一帆风,直至江东,凭三寸不烂之舌,说南北两军互相吞并。(《三国演义》)

    I shall borrow a little boat and make a little trip over the river and trust to my glib tongue to set north and South at each other 's throats .

  2. 全面分析了农业面源污染和工业污染状况,农药使用量最大的乡镇的是义亭镇,其次是江东、后宅、下骆宅等乡镇。

    Have analysed the industrial pollution and agriculture area-pollution state all-sidedly .

  3. 喜玛拉雅西南矗,乌苏里江东北边。

    Himalayan Southwest Chu , Ussuri River north-east side .

  4. 陶渊明与江东地域文化之关系

    Tao Yuanming and the Regional culture in the East of the Yangtse River

  5. 网上卖剩下的东西都在这块毯子上面了,江东新说。

    The leftovers from my online sale are all here on this blanket , said Jiang .

  6. 对于留寓江东的士大夫群体,孙氏有所扶持,以作为对抗本土士族的工具。

    In order to fight with the local Confucianism bureaucrats , they support the bureaucrats from the north .

  7. 孙氏于是在江东发展,未参与中原逐鹿。

    As a result of development in Sun Dong , did not participate in the Central Plains Guru .

  8. 晋王朝灭亡后,汉族政权退守江东。

    After the Western Jin was vanquished , the Han government withdrew to the east of the Yangtze River .

  9. 试论曹操南征荆州及东进江东的战略决策东南亚地缘政治在印度东进政策中的考量

    On Cao Cao s Strategic Decisions for Attacking Jingzhou and Jingdong ; Southeast Asian Geopolitics in Considerations of the Indian East-Move Policy

  10. 东晋初,王导极力推动清谈之风,以之团结南方士族,安抚北方士族,进而巩固江东政权统治。

    Wang Dao promoted idle talk to hold together the southern scholars and appease northern scholars in the early Eastern Jin Dynasty .

  11. 因此这一时期江东地区民间神祗,数量众多,体系庞杂,有一些民间神祗不免带有佛道色彩。

    Therefore the folk gods in this period is numerous , complex , some of them are unavoidable with the Buddhist color .

  12. 位于雪峰弧形构造中段的江东湾金锑矿床,其空间定位和矿体展布受黔阳-溆浦韧性剪切带控制,矿区内岩石剪切变形特征明显。

    The Jiangdongwan gold-antimony deposit is located in the middle part of Xuefeng arc structural belt and controlled by the Qianyang-Xupu ductile shear zone .

  13. 第六章对宁波市江东区科技园区创业服务中心的运营与发展进行了分析,并提出进一步发展的措施。

    Chapter six analyses the operation and development of the Ningbo River-East District Scientific and Technological Garden Service Center , and presents the next measures .

  14. 22岁的江东新(音译)穿着人字拖蹲在首都师范大学的人行道上,正在和另一位学生就一本二手教材讨价还价。

    Crouching on the sidewalk of Capital Normal University , Jiang Dongxin , in flip-flops , is bargaining with another student over a secondhand textbook .

  15. 义蓬,这个曾经的沙地,就处在杭州“浦东”的中心区块,未来将崛起一座江东现代新城。

    Previously a sandlot , Yipeng , located in the central district of Pudong in Hangzhou , will emerge as a modern new town in Jiangdong .

  16. 王小姐,一位江东中心小学教师:批评学生是为了发展他们明辨是非的能力。

    Miss Wang , a teacher with Jiangdong Central Primary School : To criticize students is to develop their ability to tell the right from the wrong .

  17. 江东新就读于经济学专业,在他周围,30位毕业生和更多的砍价高手将图书馆前的广场围得像个跳蚤市场。

    Around the 22-year-old economics major , 30 graduating students and more bargain hunters make the square in front of the library look like a flea market .

  18. 1860年,俄国外交官将黑龙江北部及乌苏里江东部从满洲国分裂出来。

    In 1860 Russian diplomats secured the secession of all of Manchuria north of the Heilong Jiang and east of the Wusuli Jiang ( Ussuri River ) .

  19. 监察制度是割据江东的孙吴政权重要的政治制度,并对孙吴政治产生了重要影响。

    The supervisory system is important political system of Wu state that independent of the east of The Yangtze River , and has important influence on state politics .

  20. 两个本是不同时空的人,但因家族的种种原因,叶宇策成了孙策,成了历史中的江东小霸王。

    This is the space of two different people but family reasons , the leaves become Sun Ce Yu policy has become in the history of Koto bully .

  21. 评《六朝江东世族之家风家学研究》浅析春秋时期世族的产生及其特征

    Comment on Study on Clans ' Family Characteristics and Education of East Changjiang River in Six Dynasties Analysis on generation and character of Spring Autumn period noble family

  22. 孙权立国后,出于维护统治的需要,虽对江东大族施以笼络,但政治观念的冲突与斗争不断激化。

    After establishing the state , even though they ingratiate with them in order to maintain their ruling state , their conflict and struggle in political concepts become intense .

  23. 割据江东的孙吴政权是非儒家之寒门政权,建立伊始就面临着内外两个调整:对内与江东大族,对外与其他并存政权。

    According to Jiang Wu regime is a Confucian poor regime , the beginning of the establishment outside the face two adjustment : internally with Jiang Han , foreign and other coexisting regime .

  24. 经过以上几个方面的论述分析,本人认为,吴四姓因其在江东有着雄厚的经济力量和宗族势力,对于稳固孙氏政权在江东的统治有着不可替代的重要作用。

    By the analyses of the points above , we know that Wu-SiXing were really important to the stability of Sun-Wu 's rule because they had tremendous economic base and strong family power .

  25. 及至齐、梁之世,沈氏经学臻于繁荣之境,产生了一大批经师和著作,其成就超过了不少江东儒学旧族。

    In the Qi Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty the Shen family achieved great achievements in the study of Confucian classics by producing a great number of works and experts in the study of Confucian classics .

  26. 同时,我们也不会知道,如果它是在江东区的家长非常关注谁决定组织起来,并要求从神户大学的研究人员,帮助他们测量辐射不。

    And we wouldn 't have known if it were not for the very concerned parents in Koto-ku who decided to organize themselves and ask a researcher from Kobe University to help them measure the radiation .

  27. 长江防线反映出东吴政局的基本态势:江东大族势力在荆州江防逐渐占据绝对优势,而扬州江防由朝廷直接控制,武昌是他们之间的平衡点。

    The Line reflected the fundamental political situation of Wu : influence clan in the south of china occupied Jingzhou superiority , Yangzhou was controlled by royal court directly , and Wuchang was their point of balancing power .

  28. 此时正在流亡中的汉皇室后代刘备也起兵欲兴汉室,率荆州的残余势力与江东的孙权结合。

    Meanwhile , Liu Bei , the descendant from the rulers of the former Han , although in exile , striving to restore the power of Han , led his remaining soldiers to seek support from Sun Quan .

  29. 他们还沟通了江东与荆襄、中土等地的学术文化交流,拓展了本土学人的视野,提升了他们的学术水准。

    They also helped to develop academic and cultural exchange between the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and central and north regions of the country , thus enlarging the horizons of the local intellectuals and promoting their level of scholarship .

  30. 南宋立国后,襄阳、汉中、两浙和江东地区渐成为粮食生产基地,农作物的栽培技术比以前也有进步。

    As a result , the Southern Song surpassed the Northern Song in technique and scale of these industries . The Xiangyang , Hanzhong , Zhejiang and the area to the east part of the Yangtze River were the bases for food supply .