
  1. 本文考虑了一些事例:铅活字的字号规格使铅字适应了活字排版的工艺方式,照相排字的大小规格也同样如此。

    The papers thinks some examples , the sizes specification of Chinese type has adapted type to the technological demand of typesetting , the sizes specification of phototypesetting so has done .

  2. 鸦片战争以后,西方的铅活字印刷术传人我国,这种新型的印刷术比传统的雕版印刷和活字印刷有着较大的优势,逐步取代了雕版印刷和活字印刷的地位,成为印刷书籍的最主要的方式,并一直沿用到现代。

    After the Opium War , the moveable zinc-type printing technology originating in the west was introduced into China . The new printing technology , given its great advantages over the traditional block printing and moveable type printing , replaced them gradually as the major type of printing books , and has been used to the modern times .