
  • 网络branding;brand building
  1. 从内到外,由表及里打造品牌

    Branding from the Inside Out , and from the Outside In

  2. 额外的好处就是:这对打造品牌很有利。

    Extra credit : Its good for branding .

  3. 积极融入和参与RD全球化的竞争,优化RD政策体制环境,打造品牌优势是中国迎接跨国公司RD全球化的战略决策。

    China should adopt some strategic decisions as followings : taking part in competition , optimizing environment of system , and creating brand advantage .

  4. 杨元庆认为,在PC业务处于上升态势之际,打造品牌是联想下一成长阶段的关键部分。

    Mr. Yang considers building a brand to be a crucial part of Lenovo 's next phase of growth now that the PC business is on an upswing . '

  5. 这是再次给自己打造品牌的好机会啊。

    This is a chance to get back on a label .

  6. 打造品牌,实行品牌一体化运营策略;

    Building the brand and implementing brand integration operation strategy ;

  7. 中国男装如何打造品牌魅力

    How does China 's men-wear to build up brand charms

  8. 打造品牌需要技术、质量和服务。

    You need technology , quality and service to build a brand .

  9. 用诚信树立根基,用专业打造品牌,用服务赢得市场!

    Honest establishs basis , profession creates brand , service wins market !

  10. 弘宇广告是与企业共同打造品牌的忠实伙伴。

    Hongyu advertising is a common brand with a loyal corporate partners .

  11. 打造品牌是职业院校持续发展的制胜策略

    Making the brand is the subdues strategy of vocational college continues to develop

  12. “精雕细琢、打造品牌”是我们企业的经营理念。

    " Great care to create the brand " is our business philosophy .

  13. 需要打造品牌新闻栏目;

    A need to edit elaborately brand news columns ;

  14. 以质量打造品牌,以品牌促进自身发展。

    Quality brand to brand for their own development .

  15. 蒙牛品牌成长过程中,特别重视品牌故事的讲述,以品牌叙事为纽带来建立品牌与消费者之间的关联,实现打造品牌的目的。

    Mengniu pays special attention to brand narrative in its process of growth .

  16. 走出模式:对学术理论期刊打造品牌形象的探索&关于《理论观察》文本的阐释

    New Modes : Exploration of Creating Famous Brand in Scientific and Theoretical Periodical

  17. 打造品牌:高校文科学报的根本出路

    Establish the Trade Mark : Way out for Journals of Social Science of Universities

  18. 培育重点产品,打造品牌优势

    Developing key products , creating brand superiorities

  19. 它们将提供打造品牌方面的建议。

    They would advise on brand building .

  20. 打造品牌路线图建筑物区分所有权行使之理论依据

    Building Brand The Theoretic Foundation of Condominium

  21. 这个过程就是打造品牌。

    This process is making brand .

  22. 用信用打造品牌链

    Create Chain of Brands with Confidence

  23. 民办中等职业学校打造品牌专业的途径和方法研究

    Ways and Means to Polish the Brand Major of the Private Secondary Vocational Schools in Shanghai

  24. 我们志在打造品牌,诚实守信和合作双赢。

    We aspire to shape brand , keep honest and faithful , and achieve a win-win cooperation .

  25. 打造品牌意味着大规模的广告预算,而这一点是护肤品行业从不厌恶的。

    Supporting brands will call for big advertsing budgets , something the industry has never shied from .

  26. 看作家如何打造品牌

    How Writers Build the Brand

  27. 然而,作为行业主体之一的出版社竞争意识提升很快,但品牌意识仍旧比较薄弱,多数出版社根本就没想过打造品牌图书。

    Although , the competition consciousness of publishing house promotes quickly , the brand consciousness is still weak .

  28. 第三,通过对服装品牌的确立与经营的论述,使服装企业或品牌进一步明确打造品牌的步聚和方法。

    Expatiate that the ways and means to cultivate brands by analyzing the clothing brand establishment and management .

  29. 在这里,如果你愿意的话,是有可能以游击战术来打造品牌的。

    It is possible to build a brand here by using , if you like , guerrilla tactics .

  30. 企业面对激烈的竞争需要更加注重设计、打造品牌、增加产品附加值。

    Enterprises to competition need to focus more on design , build brand , increase product added value .