
  • 网络Marginal productivity;Marginal Production
  1. 解释和评价克拉克的边际生产力分配理论。

    Explain and evaluate J.B.Clark 's marginal productivity theory of distribution .

  2. 边际生产力方法与我国现阶段收益分配方式

    Marginal Productivity Distribution Method and Way of Income Distribution Nowadays in China

  3. 教育部门的边际生产力高于非教育部门;

    Marginal productivity of education department is higher than that of non-education department .

  4. 欧拉定律与边际生产力理论

    Euler 's Theorem and Theory of Marginal Productivity

  5. 评边际生产力分配理论

    Comments on marginal productivity theory of income distribution

  6. 并通过对西方边际生产力理论的演绎,提出按贡献分配的设想。

    Through the deduction on marginal productivity theory , propose according to contributing on distribution .

  7. 集成经济来源于企业对不同边际生产力要素的更充分利用。

    Compositive economy came from enterprises ' making more advantages of different marginal productivity factors .

  8. 边际生产力不变法则

    Law of constant marginal productivity

  9. 对于边际生产力分配理论做出正确评价的关键是把它作为一种理论形态和作为一种收入分配的方法区别开来。

    The thesis puts foward that marginal productivity distribution is a theoretical formation and an income distribution method .

  10. 实证结果表明,我国农村劳动力流动对国民经济增长具有显著的促进作用,农村劳动力边际生产力的明显改善,是我国经济增长的一个重要源泉。

    The result shows that rural labor floating has promoted national economic growth notably and improved rural labor productive forces .

  11. 信息技术革命时期的技能偏向型技术进步会提高技能劳动相对于非技能劳动的边际生产力。

    The skill-biased technical change of information technology revolution will increase the marginal productivity of skill labor relative to unskilled labor .

  12. 边际生产力分配形式与均衡价格分配形式属于要素价值理论的范畴,它们是以市场交换作为前提而展开的。

    Marginal productivity distribution form and equilibrium price distribution belong to factor value theory and they are based on market exchange institution .

  13. 边际生产力分配理论虽然在设计上是精美的,但不论从理论上讲还是从实践上讲,都存在不少局限性。

    Marginal productivity theory of distribution in design is exquisite , but whether in theory or in practice , there are some limitations .

  14. 本文认为,工业化时期的资本偏向型技术进步会提高资本相对于劳动的边际生产力。

    This paper argues that , the capital-biased technical change of industrialization period will increase the marginal productivity of capital relative to labor .

  15. 在混合经济中,政府可以通过公共资本的增加来提高私人资本的边际生产力,促使经济在最优状态下实现持续增长。

    In mixed economy , the government can raise the marginal productivity by increasing public capital , so as to promote a continuous economic development under its optimum condition .

  16. 一方面,边际生产力理论使用欧拉定律的特殊形式来论证自己的内容,试图证明自身的完善性;

    A special formula of the Theorem was on the one hand adopted to testify the content of the Theory of Marginal Productivity ( TMP ), particularly its perfection .

  17. 边际生产力分配理论在西方经济学中占有非常重要的地位,在现代经济学中已经成为微观经济学分配理论的支柱,并被广泛使用。

    Marginal productivity theory of distribution in western economics plays a very important role , in modern economics , microcosmic economics allocates theory has become the pillar , and widely used .

  18. 国外微观经济学的收入分配理论是以边际生产力论和供求均衡论为基础,吸收信息经济学有关收入分配的理论形成的。

    The distribution theory of income in foreign microeconomics was so formed on the base of the theory of marginal productive forces and the supply and demand theory of equilibrium by taking over relevant elements from information economics .

  19. 劳动力从边际生产力的产业转向边际生产力高的产业,有助于缩小两部门间的劳动力生产率的差距,进而达到缩小城乡收入差距的目的。

    Labor transfer from the industry with lower marginal productivity to the high marginal productivity of industry , subserve narrow the gap of labor productivity between two departments , thus achieving the goal of narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas .

  20. 在建立评估模型时,运用收入分配理论中的边际生产力,对耗竭性资源开发利用中的生产要素定价进行了研究,认为各生产要素受相同的分配规律支配。

    When setting up an evaluation mode , the author analyzes the price making of production elements in the exploration and utilization of the non-regenerative exhaustible resources with income distribution theory , and thinks that all production elements are dominated by the same distribution rule .

  21. 现代企业制度最重要的功能就是激励创新劳动,它是一种对重复劳动进行市场定价(决定于边际生产力)和对创新劳动进行间接定价(索取剩余)的一种制度安排。

    The most important function of the modern enterprise system is to encourage innovation work , It is a Institutional Arrangements of that rework is made market-set prices ( determined by the marginal productivity ) and the innovative work is made indirect pricing ( from surplus ) .

  22. 企业家与其他生产要素不同,具有异质性和边际报酬递增的生产力属性,并且通过干中学等实践性途径实现人力资本的积累,从事熊彼特意义上的创新活动。

    Entrepreneurs have different characteristics from other factors of production . The productivity attributes of entrepreneurs are heterogeneity and increase of marginal returns . Entrepreneurs usually accumulate human capital through " learning-by-doing ", and by engaging in innovation activities according to the Schumpeterian theory .

  23. 克拉克的边际效用价值论是边际生产力分配论的前提,是在对奥地利学派理论修正的基础上提出来的。

    Clark is the marginal utility theory of value marginal productivity theory of distribution of the premise is correct in the Austrian theory based on the past .

  24. 从均衡的角度分析,从内部动力来看,保险机制的介入可以使中小企业和大型企业的边际信誉成本一致,使银行的信贷支持向企业边际生产力回归。

    From an equilibrium perspective , insurance mechanism can make SMEs ' marginal cost of credit consistent with the large-scale enterprises , so the banks ' credit support could return to the marginal productivity of the enterprise .