
  • 网络marginal change;Marginal quantity;rational people think at margin;marginal variable
  1. 随后,Jackson将这一现象定义为薪酬粘性的存在特征,即:高管薪酬在业绩上升时的边际增加量大于业绩下降时的边际减少量。

    Subsequently , Jackson will be the definition of this phenomenon for the existence of the salary viscosity characteristics . Namely : he executive pay increases in the performance of the marginal increase is greater than in the marginal decline in performance reduction .

  2. 传统的成本性态理论假设成本与业务量之间的关系是线性的,即成本的边际变化量与业务量的变化方向无关。

    The traditional theory of cost behavior assumes that the relationship between costs and the activity level is a linear . This means that the marginal cost variation has nothing to do with changes in business direction .

  3. 随着配比增加,盐碱土脱盐的边际效益增加量并不显著。

    With the increase of gypsum proportion , marginal benefits of desalination were not significant .

  4. 证明了任意需求分布下的进货模型,边际效益与进货量之间的函数关系,如何根据边际毛利率进货以及利润与市场份额的关系如何处理等问题。

    It has proved the purchase model of arbitrary demand , the functional relations between marginal benefit and purchase , and has showed how to define the quantities of purchase according to the marginal gross profit and how to handle the relations of profit and market share .