
  • 网络marginal productivity theory of distribution;marginal productivity theory
  1. 国外微观经济学的收入分配理论是以边际生产力论和供求均衡论为基础,吸收信息经济学有关收入分配的理论形成的。

    The distribution theory of income in foreign microeconomics was so formed on the base of the theory of marginal productive forces and the supply and demand theory of equilibrium by taking over relevant elements from information economics .

  2. 克拉克的边际效用价值论是边际生产力分配论的前提,是在对奥地利学派理论修正的基础上提出来的。

    Clark is the marginal utility theory of value marginal productivity theory of distribution of the premise is correct in the Austrian theory based on the past .