
  • 网络increasing marginal revenue
  1. 具有边际收益递增特性的DEA模型求解方法

    A method to resolve DEA model with increasing marginal revenue

  2. 网络经济的边际收益递增律刍议

    Discussion on the Law of Increasing Marginal Revenue of Networks Economy

  3. 高校科研投入产出关系中的边际收益递增现象

    Increasing marginal revenue in input-output analysis on scientific research in universities

  4. 论知识的边际收益递增与经济的持续增长

    On Marginal Gradual Income Increase of Knowledge and Continuous Growth of Economy

  5. 其本质却是网络效应引发的边际收益递增和知识自我积累。

    In essence , the rule of increasing marginal revenue and the knowledge self-accumulation is the actual reason .

  6. 出现了增长率、通胀率、失业率同时达到最优,以及边际收益递增等罕见现象。

    The rare phenomena of optimum growth rate , optimum inflation rate and optimum unemployment rate appearing simultaneously and marginal income increasing emerge .

  7. 给出了单个投入变量全局及局部边际收益递增时变换函数的求取方法,并通过算例说明了求解过程。

    The paper also proposed the method for getting solution to transform function with single input variable when the whole marginal revenue or the local increases .

  8. 由于信息技术可以低成本扩散,而且具有边际收益递增和规模报酬递增的特征,因此充分利用信息技术对促进我国产业结构升级具有重要的意义。

    Since IT may rapidly spread by low cost and has the characteristics of increasing marginal profits and increasing scale returns , the utilization of information technology is very significant .

  9. 50年代末的舒尔茨就提出在人的素质上增加的投资,会引起收益递增,从而带来经济增长,即有别于物质资本的人力资本的边际收益递增规律。

    In the late1950s , Schultz put forward the law of increasing marginal revenue that shown putting more investment on human can cause the increasing revenue as well as economic growth .

  10. 一方面由于信息资源的边际收益递增原理,现代企业充分认识到:必须把信息资源当作是一种战略资源而予以重视,并放在管理的首要地位。

    On the one side because of the principle of the increased marginal revenue on information resource , modern enterprises think that they must regard information resource as strategic resource and attach great importance to it .

  11. 研发成本、市场成本与收益是非线形关系并且具有边际收益递增的特征,由此导致扩张性成本的产生,其理念几乎与传统成本管理理论对立。

    The development cost , market cost and the economic return are linked in a non-linear way and are characterized by increasing marginal benefit , which then gives rise to the expansive cost . The underlying concept almost runs counter to the conventional cost management theory .

  12. 在技术水平和其他要素的投入不变的情况下,边际收益是先递增后递减。

    With the technological and other key elements remaining the same , their marginal income is increasing first and then decreasing gradually .

  13. 与此相适应,知识产品生产具有边际成本递减和边际收益递增机制。

    Accordingly , the production of knowledge products exhibits the mechanism of marginal cost regression and marginal revenue increasing .

  14. 家庭教育投资积极、学习勤奋则边际成本递减、边际收益递增;

    If family education investment is initiative and the family studies diligence , marginal cost decreases and marginal income increases by degrees .

  15. 本文从传统经济的边际效益递减规律入手,阐述了网络经济是边际收益递增的经济及其原因,并指出网络经济中存在边际效益递增规律的例外。

    Starting with the progressive decreasing theory of marginal utility in traditional economy , this paper points out that the network economy is marginal utility progressive increasing economy and discusses the reason for it . Then the exceptions are also indicated .