
  • 网络Interest in Real Property
  1. 不动产包括大量法定权益和某些有形物。

    Real property is both a bundle of legal rights and certain physical objects .

  2. 在这一章节中,笔者首先介绍了不动产的概念和权益属性,为后文论述观点做铺垫。

    In this chapter , the author first introduces the concept of real estate and equity property , as the later view .

  3. 从无形到有形&无形财产的有形保护不动产包括大量法定权益和某些有形物。

    The Visible Protection of the Invisible Propert ; Real property is both a bundle of legal rights and certain physical objects .

  4. 工厂的一部分土地转让给了那所中学。残余权是在不动产的某部分权益转让后,被处分的残余部分。

    Some of the land of the factory was made over to the middle school . A remainder is the remnant of the whole estate disposed of after a preceding part of the same has been give away .

  5. 完善的登记制度对于维护不动产权利人合法权益、保障不动产交易安全和交易便捷以及国家对不动产市场的宏观调控均具有重要意义。

    A perfect registration system is of great significance in respect of safeguarding the legal right of the real property possessor , ensuring the trade of real property to be safe and quick and the government 's macro regulation and control about the real property market .

  6. 日照利益的侵害主要是在相邻不动产的所有人之间因行使不动产权益而发生的,日照利益与建筑物的使用是不可分离的。

    Sunshine interests violation largely arises between real estate owners against adjacent property interests , which can not be separated from the utility of the buildings .

  7. 在评估附临时建筑或违章建筑的被拆迁不动产、附公共健身设施的不动产、高压线下土地的估价等要充分考虑不动产权益的完整性。

    Therefore , the integrity of rights and interests of real estate should be put into full consideration in evaluating temporary constructions , removed squatter house , the real estate with public body-building facilities and evaluation of land under high tension line .

  8. 但是目前我国的不动产登记制度并不是真正民法物权意义上的登记制度,带有浓厚的行政管理色彩,已不适应日益发展的不动产市场和保护不动产财产权益的需要。

    However , our system of real estate registration , which is mostly on the basis of administration , is not a real registration system on the real right of civil law It could not meet the demand of the quick developing market of real estate .