
  • 网络Unsafe Condition
  1. 这些故障属于“安全侧”-不会构成不安全条件。

    These failures are classified as " right side " - they do not create unsafe conditions .

  2. 事故是由不安全的条件或行为导致的。

    Accidents are caused by either unsafe conditions or unsafe acts .

  3. 近日日本播出的一档电视节目揭示,中国研修生在日本遭欺压的现象普遍,他们中的许多人被迫加班或在不安全的条件下工作。

    The abuse of Chinese trainees in Japan is rampant as many of them are forced to work overtime and under unsafe conditions , according to a recent TV program that aired in Japan .

  4. 其中包括贫穷、社会排斥、缺乏教育以及不安全的就业条件。

    They include poverty , social exclusion , lack of education , and unsafe employment conditions .

  5. 临时排班与低薪和不安全的工作条件一样,是美国各地许多抗议活动主要针对的问题。

    Short-notice rotas , as much as low pay or unsafe conditions , are central to a spate of protests across the US .

  6. 逐步淘汰技术落后、浪费资源和环境污染严重的工艺技术、装备及不具备安全生产条件的企业。

    We should phase out outdated techniques and equipment that lead to the waste of resources or serious pollution as well as enterprises failing to satisfy safe work conditions .

  7. 其结果是带来不安全的生产条件和环境污染以及到达西方消费者手中的商品往往质量低劣,有时甚至危险。

    The result is unsafe working conditions , a polluted environment and the goods that reach the hands of Western consumers are often badly made and sometimes downright dangerous .

  8. 坚决依法关闭产品质量低劣、污染环境、破坏资源、不具备安全生产条件的厂矿。

    Factories and mines that produce inferior products , contaminate the environment , damage resources or do not meet production safety standards must without exception be shut down in accordance with the law .

  9. 不符合安全航行限制条件而开航;不符合安全作业限制条件而作业;

    Starting navigation in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe navigation ; operating in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe operations ;

  10. 对不符合法定安全生产条件的涉及安全生产的事项予以批准或者验收通过的;

    Granting approval or accepting on the basis of examination any matter relating to production safety which does not meet the statutory conditions for production safety ;

  11. (二)所使用的船只、车辆等交通工具不具备必要的安全条件,足以造成严重后果的;

    The vessels , vehicles or other means of transportation employed not meeting the necessary safety conditions to such an extent that it would cause serious consequences ;

  12. 不符合安全航行限制条件而开航;不符合安全作业限制条件而作业;找不到符合条件的数据进行替换。

    Starting navigation in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe navigation ; Operating in inconformity with the restrictive conditions for safe operations ; Cannot find matching data to replace .

  13. 将数字签名与时间戳技术应用于可视密码,在解决了分享图像的存储管理问题的同时,增加了对图像内容的验证功能,在不影响安全性的条件下提高了存储管理的有效性。

    The scheme solves the problem on the storage and management of the sharing images , increases the verification of image contents , and enhances the validity of storage and management without security effect .

  14. 当前主要问题是矿山企业税费高,社会负担重,后备接替资源紧张,国际竞争力不强,安全生产条件差,污染严重等问题。

    There are many problems in the development of the mining enterprises , such as high taxes , high society burden , lack of subsequent reserve of mineral resources , low international competitive ability , bad conditions on safety in production and serious contamination .

  15. 利用新的指数选取办法,可以使批验证算法在不增加计算量,不改变安全性的条件下,避免1024位的指数运算,从而提高批验证算法的效率。

    Using this new method one can avoid an exponential computation of 1024-bit without compromising the security or increasing the computation of the verification algorithm .