
  • 网络real estate trust;reits
  1. 第二章对不动产信托作了法理分析。

    The second chapter makes legal analysis on real estate trust .

  2. 不动产信托受益人的权利义务及责任

    The Rights , Duties and Liabilities of the Beneficiary under Real Estate Trust

  3. 运用动产和不动产信托进行消费金融创新

    Consumer finance innovation by means of chattel trusts and real property trusts

  4. 遗赠联合国动产和不动产信托基金;

    Trust fund for personal and real property willed to the United nations ;

  5. 不动产信托法律研究

    Study on Law of Real Estate Trust

  6. 第一章是不动产信托的概念研究与历史考究。

    The first chapter is about the concept and historical examination of real estate trust .

  7. 遗赠联合国动产和不动产信托基金若在遗嘱中将完全保有的地产赠给某人,就是不动产遗赠

    Trust Fund for Personal and Real Property Willed to the United Nations Freehold land given in a will is a devise

  8. 不动产信托登记是信托制度中一项重要的内容,对不动产信托的发展具有重要意义。

    The trust registration of real estate is an important content in trust system ; it has significant function for the development of the trust for real estate .

  9. 目前我国不动产信托登记制度中,存在的两个主要问题是登记的主体和登记的方式不明确。

    At present , in our country trust registration system of real estate has two main problems that the main body of the registration and registration of the way are not clear .

  10. 针对我国不动产信托登记制度存在主要问题,应借鉴国外立法例,明确具体的不动产信托登记主体和登记方式。

    In view of real estate trusts registration system problems existing in China , we should draw lessons from foreign legislation , and define specific realty trust registration subject and registration way clearly .

  11. 前者是不动产信托的最早形态,后来随着信托的广泛应用,发展出不动产投资信托,而不动产资产信托本身也出现了新的变化。

    The former is the original type of real estate trust , from which thelatter form is evolved during the wide application of trust , while trust of real estate assetitself has new variations .

  12. 不动产信托登记制度的理论基础在于物权公示公信原则,信托财产独立性特征,以及不动产信托登记二重性。

    The theoretical basis of trust registration system of real estate depends on the principle of public trust , the characteristics of trust property independence , and the duality of trust registration of real estate .

  13. 建立不动产信托登记制度,不仅能保护和平衡信托当事人间的利益,提高信托交易的效率,还能为国家行使国家职能提供依据。

    Establishment of trust registration system of real estate can not only protect and balance the trust parties ' interests and enhance trust transaction efficiency , but also provide the basis on the exercise of state functions .

  14. 我国在引入信托制度时,也制定了相应的不动产信托登记制度,但是规定的过于简单,并没有与登记配套的具体操作规范,难以在实务中进行操作。

    Our country not only produces the trust system , but also establishes the trust registration of real estate . However , these rules are too simple and there are no specific exercises , so the system is difficult to run .

  15. 在初步阶段,先采用不动产投资信托方式来试行证券化,随着环境的成熟,到最终的阶段,则可以通过SPV来实现住宅抵押贷款证券化。

    It is proper to adopt real estate invest trust way in SPV at first .

  16. 它们开始采用一些稀奇古怪的企业组织形式,例如有限责任有限合伙企业(lllp),上市合伙企业(ptp)和不动产投资信托(reit)等。

    They have adopted exotic forms of corporate organisation , such as limited liability limited partnerships ( lllps ) , publicly traded partnerships ( PTPs ) and real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) .

  17. 中国不动产投资信托基金运行机制研究

    Study on REITs Development Mechanism in China

  18. 美国和欧洲不动产投资信托的现代发展及展望

    Current Development and Future Expectation of Euro-REITs

  19. 不动产投资信托是依照商业信托原理设计出的投资工具。

    Real Estate Investment Trusts ( REITs ) is an investment tool designed based on commercial trust principle .

  20. 不动产投资信托公司

    Real Estate Investment trust

  21. 中国台湾引进了美国的不动产投资信托和日本的资产流动化型不动产证券化(即不动产资产信托),建立了台湾自己的不动产证券化制度。

    Chinese Taiwan introduces American real estate investment trust and Japanese real estate asset trust and construct their own real estate securitization system .

  22. 与其他投资手段相比,不动产投资信托具有流动性强、稳定性好、收益水平高、风险分散等优点。

    Compared with other investment approaches , REITs possesses of advantages such as strong liquidity , good stability , high level of benefits , and diversified risks , etc.

  23. 接着从公司型和契约型投资基金的组织结构及有关投资者保护的特殊设计三方面具体阐述了基金当事人的性质及其权义关系。第四部分不动产投资基金的信托法理分析。

    The thesis then expounds the parties and their jural relations existing in contractive investment funds , company founds and special design for the protection of the relating investors . The first part is the trust property and the trust property independence .

  24. 同时在不动产登记的基础上完善不动产信托登记制度,是目前比较有效可行的方法。

    Meanwhile , perfecting the real estate registration based on real property registration system is more effective and feasible method at present .