
  • 网络Incomplete Information;Imperfect information
  1. 不完全信息环境下存在XML强多值依赖的XML文档规范化研究

    Normalization of XML Document with Strong MVD under Incomplete Information Circumstances

  2. 不完全信息下P2P商业侵权的动态博弈分析

    Dynamic game of tortuous peer to peer business under incomplete information

  3. 不完全信息系统的粗集Web挖掘方法

    Rough Set Web Mining Approach to Incomplete Information System

  4. 不完全信息条件下东道国的FDI竞争

    Host Countries ' Competition for FDI Under Incomplete Information

  5. 但是,目前还没有关于不完全信息环境下XML数据库规范化理论的完善理论文献,本文将对不完全信息环境下的XML数据库规范化理论进行系统深入的研究。

    However , there is no perfect theory of literatures about normalization for XML database under incomplete information circumstances .

  6. 不完全信息环境下XMLSCHEMA规范化研究

    Promoting the Criterion Management of Graduates ; Research of Normalization for XML Schema under Incomplete Information Circumstances

  7. 基于目前的研究基础,本文将如何有效的发现及补全XML中的不完全信息作为了研究的重点。

    Based on current research state , this paper focus on effective find and complete the incomplete information in XML data .

  8. 研究表明,不完全信息减缓了竞争对企业RD投资等待期权价值的侵蚀,从而延缓了企业的RD投资。

    We find that incomplete information restrains the competition from undermining the waiting option value and delays the firm 's R & D investment .

  9. 提出了基于Q学习的发电公司决策新模型,应用于求解发电公司在具有不完全信息的电力市场环境下为获取最优长期利润而制定的决策问题。

    A novel decision model based on Q-learning algorithm for power suppliers who aim at long term profit maximization was proposed .

  10. 标准的单值支持向量(One-ClassSVM)机不能对含有不完全信息的输入样本进行学习分类。

    Standard one-class support vector machines one-class SVM cannot classify patterns containing incomplete information input .

  11. 不完全信息多维Bertrand模型及其分析

    Multidimensional Bertrand Model with Incomplete Information and Its Analysis

  12. 不完全信息动态二维Cournot博弈模型及均衡

    A Model for Dynamic Two-dimensional Cournot Game with Incomplete Information and Its Equilibrium

  13. 不完全信息的非平稳MDP平均模型

    Non - stationary MDP Average Model In complete Information

  14. 不完全信息与FSI对国有银行治理结构的作用

    The Effect of Incomplete Information and FSI on Administrative Structure of State-owned Bank

  15. 带有不完全信息随机截尾试验下参数MLE的重对数律

    Law of the Iterated Logarithm of MLE for Random Censoring Model with Incomplete Information

  16. WAPI之争的不完全信息博弈实质分析

    The substantive analysis of the incomplete information game about the controversy of WAPI

  17. 不完全信息、垄断电力市场下,发电企业在博弈中需要准确预测对手信息,因此提出一种基于多主体平台(Swarm)的2阶段演化博弈模型。

    In incomplete information and monopolistic electricity market , power plant needs to predict competitors ' information accurately . A two-phase game model based on multi-agent plat ( Swarm ) was proposed .

  18. 介绍了固定消费/收入模式下的投资组合选择模型及连续时间不完全信息的M-V模型。

    Continuous-time incomplete information are introduced ? nally .

  19. 该文提出了一种基于博弈论的多Agent交互模型(GMAIM),应用于解决不完全信息的分布式环境下多人协商决策问题,实现了在会议调度系统(MSS)中的应用。

    This paper provides a game-theory-based multi-agent interaction model ( GMAIM ) and presents the applications in the meeting scheduling system ( MSS ) .

  20. 研究发现:不完全信息条件下有限理性零售商的ESS与完全信息条件下完全理性零售商的选择是一致的。

    The results show that the ESS of limited rationality retailers under incomplete information is the same as the selections of complete rationality retailers under perfect information .

  21. 提出了动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的缺省假设推理模型,为人们进行不完全信息的动态模糊推理提供了一种新的推理模式。

    Advance a default assumption reasoning model of DFL , which proposes a new model to do DFL reasoning based on incomplete information .

  22. 本文借助中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM,对不完全信息系统的理论和应用进行了研究。

    This paper investigates the theory and application of incomplete information system by using the medium logic predicate calculus system MFM .

  23. 建立了一个考虑发电商的单位成本、最高报价、低于和等于市场出清价格(MCP)竞价成功的两种可能性概率的不完全信息模型。

    An incomplete information model considering the unit cost and the maximum bidding price of power generation companies , the probabilities of winning below or on the margin was built .

  24. 另一方面,拥有不完全信息的LOLR容易引发道德风险问题,从而是事前无效率的。

    On the other hand , the presence of an imperfectly informed LOLR is conductive to the moral hazard problem , So it is ex ante inefficiency .

  25. 实验结果表明LCCM能够有效地计算联盟信誉,并能反映不同参数对联盟信誉的影响。(3)提出了一种不完全信息条件下基于案例和对策论的Agent多议题Pareto最优协商模型。

    Experimental results show that LCCM is capable of coalition credit computation efficiently and can properly reflect the effect of various factors on coalition credit . ( 3 ) We propose an agent multi-issue negotiation model under incomplete information based on cases and game theory .

  26. 本文提取包含任意极化信息的目标体复数RCS的相关功率散射矩阵的迹作为目标特征,利用Hopfield神经网络的联想记忆功能,对含有不完全信息的雷达目标进行了鲁棒性的自动识别。

    In this paper , the trace of the related power scattering matrix , which contains the target complex polarization , is extracted as target signatures , and the robust radar target identification from partial information is presented based on the Hopfield neural network 's content addressable memory .

  27. 通过引入信息结构内生化的假设,本文扩展了Maskin-Riley(1984)对不完全信息情形下的垄断分析。

    This article tries to modify the classical Maskin-Riley model of monopoly with incomplete information by the assumption of endogenous information structure .

  28. 最后,建立了中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM的表推演系统,并证明了该系统的可靠性和完备性,该系统可作为不完全信息的自动推演系统。

    At last , the tableau system of medium logic predicate calculus system MFM is constructed , and the soundness and completeness of the system is proved . This system can act as the automated reasoning system in incomplete information environments .

  29. 不完全信息下产品升级组合定价研究

    The Study of Combination Price of Renovation Product with Incomplete Information

  30. 不完全信息下的某高校十五学科建设项目评估

    Assessment methods about Universities ' subject construction projects on incomplete information