
  1. 风险评价结果表明不可接受风险区主要分布在城镇和人口密集的村庄及经济价值大的建设用地区域,野外调查与验证表明滑坡灾害风险评价结果与实地灾害情况基本吻合。

    The risk assessment results show that the unacceptable risk area mainly distributes in towns and villages with a dense population and large economic value of construction land area . The field survey and verification show that the landslide risk assessment results are basically matched with the field disasters .

  2. 但在最近,德国央行行长延斯魏德曼(jensweidmann)承认,target2失衡问题实际上很重要,而且会带来不可接受的风险。

    But last week , Jens weidmann , President of the Bundesbank , acknowledged the target 2 imbalances are indeed important , and an unacceptable risk .

  3. 否则,我们的金融体系将处于不可接受的风险水平。

    Not to do so will leave our financial system with an unacceptable level of risk .

  4. 届时政策制定者将面对两个不可接受的风险选择:一是通胀失控,二是足以压垮经济的货币政策。

    Policymakers would then be faced with choosing between two unacceptable risks ; runaway inflation or an economy-crushing monetary policy .

  5. 然后,作者分别提出了对于不可接受技术风险项目的控制方法和对于可接受技术风险项目的控制方法。

    Then , the author proposes the control method for both unacceptable risk project technology and acceptable technical risk project .

  6. 作为第一步,技术产品如果具有受他国政府控制的不可接受的风险,美国和欧盟可制订限制进口的方案。

    As a first step , the US and the EU could plan import restrictions on technology posing an unacceptable risk of control by other states .

  7. 即使是最可靠的存储媒介也会出现故障,使数据变得暂时无法访问或永久丢失,这对重要数据而言可能是不可接受的风险。

    Even the most reliable storage media can fail , causing data to become temporarily inaccessible or permanently lost , which may be an unacceptable risk for important data .

  8. 一般公众、乘客和操作和维护人员,以及紧急事件和安全员工经不会暴露于任何不可接受的风险。

    The general public , passengers , as well as the operating and maintenance staff , and emergency and security staff will not be exposed to any unacceptable risk .

  9. 对于信息系统面临的风险而言,有不可接受的风险和在有限防范措施下可接受的风险两类,信息系统资产也按对系统影响的重要性分为五个等级。

    Concerning the risk faced by the information system , the unacceptable risk and the acceptable risk under finite prevention measures are two kinds , also five classes are divided from the influence importance of the information system asset on the system .

  10. 通过引入可接受的未来随机净价值和不可接受的头寸风险等概念,建立了一致风险测度公理体系。

    We have established the risk measurement axiom system by defining the notions like acceptable future random net worth , unacceptable position .

  11. 由分析可知,镉镍电池焚烧过程将引起不可接受的致癌风险,填埋废电池也会引起重金属非致癌风险。

    Based on assessment , nickel cadmium battery incineration could result in carcinogenic hazards , landfill of waste battery could result in noncarcinogenic hazards .

  12. 在城市安全规划中,对于危险品仓库的建设选址,都要首先进行风险分析,以确定危险品仓库选址是否会给周边社会带来不可接受的高风险。

    In the safety programming of city , in order to estimate the risk brought to the surroundings , we should analyze the safety for the selected field of hazards warehouse at the beginning of construction .

  13. 将使用的工作产品数目(和正式形式)降为最低也能够减少成本&不增加项目对不可接受度的风险。

    Keeping the number ( and formality ) of work products to a minimum will also help you minimize costs & without increasing project risk to an unacceptable level .