
  • 网络merger risk;risk of merger and acquisition
  1. 企业并购风险管理系统:构成、特征与运作

    Structure , Characteristic and Operation of Enterprise Merger Risk Management System

  2. 据此建立了由风险识别、风险测评和风险处置等环节构成的并购风险管理运作流程。

    Therefore , it sets up operation flow about merger risk management including risk identification , test , handing and etc.

  3. 紧接着介绍了COSO风险管理框架并对其八大要素进行了分析。接着介绍了企业并购风险以及其表现形式。

    Then the article describes the COSO risk management framework and analyzes its eight elements , then introduces the M & A risk and its manifestations .

  4. 本文将HHM等级全息建模运用到我国汽车制造业企业跨国并购风险的识别过程中,进行风险的识别。

    In the paper it applied HHM model to overseas M & A of the automobile manufacturing enterprises in China to identify risks .

  5. 其次,介绍了并购风险管理理论,风险&收益对称理论和实物期权估价理论在并购估价中的应用,并介绍了商业银行跨国并购估价风险评估的模糊综合评估模型和VaR评估模型。

    Second , the thesis applies managerial theory of the risk in M A , risk-profit symmetry theory and real option theory used in assessment of M A. It provides the vague and comprehensive model as well as VaR assessment models to multinational M A risk assessment in commercial banks .

  6. 灰色系统理论在企业并购风险识别中的应用

    Application of grey system theory in M & A risk decision

  7. 天瑞集团并购风险管理研究

    Research on the Risk Management in Merger of Tian Rui Group

  8. 企业并购风险管理的系统特征与流程构造

    Systematic Features and Construction of Business M & A Risk Management Procedure

  9. 并购风险与并购收益相伴而生,并购在为企业带来巨大收益的同时,也增加了各种并购风险。

    With the more income , the risk increases .

  10. 矿业并购风险及其评价

    Risk of mine m & a and its evaluation

  11. 民营企业并购风险与操作应用研究

    The Merger Risks and Operation Research on Private Enterprise

  12. 盲目性并购风险;

    Blindness risk in M & A ;

  13. 二是企业并购风险管理系统的一般分析;

    Second , the general analysis about the risk management system of merger and acquisition ;

  14. 三是企业并购风险管理系统的运行。

    Third , particular analysis about the risk management running mechanism of merger and acquisition .

  15. 第一,对汽车制造业跨国并购风险理论有所补充。

    Firstly , add to the theory of cross-border M & A risk of automobile manufacturing .

  16. 然后设计了企业并购风险识别系统及决策支持系统的基本框架,并提出了该系统的实现方法。

    Finally the basic framework has been designed along with the method to implement the system .

  17. 企业并购风险的规避涉及到多方面的内容。

    To keep the risks in the corporate merger and acquisition away , actually involves many aspects .

  18. 总结性地提出了企业风险传导的5个基本特征,对于那些急于开拓国外资源和市场的我国企业防范跨国并购风险有着积极的参考价值。

    It is helpful for our country to guard against enterprise risks in exploring foreign resources and markets .

  19. 同时跨国并购风险主要分为两大类即外部风险和内部风险。

    Overseas M & A risk is primarily divided into two major categories of external risks and internal risks .

  20. 因此,对于并购风险的识别、评估和防范,对决策者来说至关重要。

    Therefore , the M & A risk identification , assessment and preventive measures , is critical for policy makers .

  21. 这些措施包括三方面的内容:其一,对并购风险的财务估测,在此提供了两个基本的风险估计模型。

    These measures above are the basic measures to ensure an acquiring firm to avoid the financial risks in M & A.

  22. 在此基础上阐释了情报在并购风险预警中的作用。

    On this basis , the last part of Chapter Four illustrates the role of intelligence in the early risk warning .

  23. 论文的主要创新(1)建立了中国企业跨国并购风险分析框架。

    Main innovation in the thesis ( 1 ) establish a risk analysis framework of cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises .

  24. 最后,将期权理论引入到跨国并购风险控制当中,降低风险可能带来的损失。

    Finally , the introduction of option theory to risk control cross-border mergers and acquisitions which reduce the risk of possible losses .

  25. 对企业并购风险管理界定为并购企业识别并购活动过程中的各种风险并进行必要地度量和处理的整个过程;

    Secondly , we define M A risk management as the process to discern , measure and deal with M A risk .

  26. 虽然跨国并购风险理论已有很多的研究。但对于汽车制造业这一方面的研究并不多。

    Although the risk of overseas M & A theory has been a lot of research , not many studies on automobile manufacturing .

  27. 如何使我国的企业尽可能规避并购风险,提高并购有效程度,这是我国目前并购工作中急需解决的问题。

    The problems asked to solve in our internal enterprises 'M A are how to avoid the M A risks and increase M A efficiency .

  28. 本文把情报工作视为中国企业海外并购风险管理过程中不可分割的组成部分来进行研究。

    In this thesis , intelligence was treated as an integral part of the whole risk management process of overseas M & A of Chinese enterprises .

  29. 并利用二叉树期权定价方法,计算该支持担保的价值,以有效的控制并购风险。

    The value of this contract clause is calculated and assessed by applying binary tree model in order to efficiently control the risks of Mergers and Acquisitions .

  30. 鉴于此,研究医药行业上市公司横向并购风险控制有着非常重要的理论和现实意义。

    So it is very important to research on risk-controlling of horizontal M & A of list company in the pharmaceutical industry in either theory or practice .