
  1. 在国外,并购退出和IPO退出是私募股权基金的主要退出方式。

    M & A-exit and IPO-exit are the main exit models of private equity funds in foreign markets .

  2. 从退出价格、退出成本和退出市场容量等六个指标来看,我国企业并购的总体退出效用要高于首次公开发行。

    On the analysising the six indicators for example , the exit prices , the exit costs and the market capacity , we find the overall effectiveness of corporate mergers is higher than initial public offerings .

  3. 这两个案例分别通过IPO和并购出售的方式退出,代表了两种主流的退出方式,更具有代表意义。

    The two cases representative the IPO and M & A ways .