
  • 网络acquisition financing;Acquisition Finance
  1. 而并购融资是影响并购成败的关键因素之一,并购融资中并购方资信评估是并购工作顺利进行的基础。

    Merge and Acquisition financing is one of factors of which will have influence of the success of Merge and Acquisition activities .

  2. 第三部分是品牌战略并购的融资,涉及品牌战略并购可行的融资方式及分析、品牌战略并购融资成本分析、品牌战略并购融资方式的确定。

    The third part , Introduce acquisition financing . Brand strategy involving the possible acquisition and analysis of the mode of financing , brand strategy of acquisition financing costs , brand strategic means of financing the acquisition identified .

  3. 企业并购融资风险的分析及防范

    Analysis and precaution of financing risk of enterprise merger and acquisition

  4. 并购融资中的资本结构决策研究

    Capital Structure Decision-Making Model in Financing of M & A

  5. 论企业并购融资与市场化融资体制的建立

    On Establishment of Enterprises ' Funds Collection System Through Annexation and Marketization

  6. 而在我国,并购融资却有着重重限制。

    In China , there are many limits on financing for merger .

  7. 企业并购融资方式选择的优化问题研究

    A Study on the Strategy Optimization of Financing on Merger and Acquisition

  8. 第一部分是企业并购融资概述。

    First part is the summary of financing in merger & acquisition .

  9. 我国企业并购融资方式的优化选择

    Financing Means Selection of China Enterprise Mergers & Acquisitions

  10. 我国企业并购融资现状和发展策略研究

    Financing of M & As in China : Status Analysis and Development Strategy

  11. 并购融资理论研究论融资租赁式并购

    Theoretical Research on Financing in Mergers and Acquisitions

  12. 基于信息不对称的企业并购融资方式选择模型

    Model selection method . Model of Financing Strategy

  13. 上市公司并购融资方式与治理绩效研究

    Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between MYA Financing and Governance Performance of Listed Companies

  14. 企业并购融资中并购方的资信评估研究

    Research on Credit Rating of Acquiring Company in the Process of Merge and Acquisition

  15. 我国跨国并购融资现存问题及对策初探

    The Current Obstacles of Our Country 's Transnational Financing for the Merger and Countermeasures

  16. 本文围绕着民营企业并购融资这个主题展开。

    This paper is to enclose the subject of the financing method of the private-owned enterprise .

  17. 美国对跨国并购融资中滥用税收协定的管制措施及评析

    Reviewing U.S.Controlling Measures against Treaty Shopping in the Financing Relating to Transnational Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions

  18. 企业并购融资方式研究

    Corporation Mergers and Acquisitions Financing Research

  19. 金融危机冲击下我国企业并购融资路径新探

    An Exploration on New Way of Chinese Enterprises ' Merging and Financing under the Shock of Global Financial Crisis

  20. 解决并购融资问题实际上是复杂的系统工程,并不是简单的将国外应用的融资工具移植过来即可,它不仅要求发育完善的多层次的资本市场体系,而且,要清除与并购融资相关的法律障碍。

    It not only require a perfect multi capital market system , but also need to cleanup the related laws .

  21. 又由于分业管理的限制,我国的证券公司和保险公司不能提供并购融资。

    Because of the limitations on different industry , our stockjobbers and insurance companies can not provide merger financing service .

  22. 第三章在详细分析了我国现阶段存在的并购融资方式和存在的现实障碍的基础之上,提出了完善我国并购融资方式建议;

    Based on the above study , suggestions to the development of M & A financing in China are made .

  23. 最后提出实现我国上市公司并购融资最优顺序的途径及建议。

    Finally , the thesis raises the proposals and recommendations to achieve the optimal financing way and order for Chinese Listed Companies .

  24. 第四章是完善和创新我国并购融资几种具体方式的分析。

    In chapter four , Deep analysis of four kinds of methods is presented to improve and innovate the M & A financing .

  25. 从宏观政策层面,提出了一套我国企业并购融资方式完善的对策建议。

    From a macro policy level , this paper points a set of complete and innovative means for financing method in China at this stage .

  26. 第一部分为引言,介绍国内外并购融资的研究现状及本文的研究思路和方法;

    As the preface , the first part introduces the study actuality on M & A financing and the study thought and method of this thesis ;

  27. 首先,本章提出了企业并购融资方式优化的定义和企业并购融资方式优化选择的标准。

    First of all , this chapter proposed means of financing mergers and acquisitions and the definition of optimal financing optimizing selection criteria in corporate mergers and acquisitions .

  28. 首先文章对并购融资的相关概念予以界定,并介绍了信号传递理论等并购融资理论作为本文的理论基础。

    First of all , article defined the concepts of M A financing and introduced the M A financing theory which as the theoretical basis for this article .

  29. 因此,选择合适的并购融资方式和制定科学的并购融资策略是企业高度关注的问题。

    Therefore , selecting the suitable ways of M A financing and drawing the scientific strategy of M A financing are the problems that the corporation concerns deeply .

  30. 同时对当前使用的并购融资工具及我国并购融资的现状进行了介绍,并且对造成这种现状的原因进行了探讨。

    Meanwhile , introduced the M & A financing instruments currently in use and the status of our acquisition financing , and the reasons causing this situation were discussed .