
  1. 其次,介绍了并购风险管理理论,风险&收益对称理论和实物期权估价理论在并购估价中的应用,并介绍了商业银行跨国并购估价风险评估的模糊综合评估模型和VaR评估模型。

    Second , the thesis applies managerial theory of the risk in M A , risk-profit symmetry theory and real option theory used in assessment of M A. It provides the vague and comprehensive model as well as VaR assessment models to multinational M A risk assessment in commercial banks .

  2. 企业并购风险管理系统:构成、特征与运作

    Structure , Characteristic and Operation of Enterprise Merger Risk Management System

  3. 天瑞集团并购风险管理研究

    Research on the Risk Management in Merger of Tian Rui Group

  4. 企业并购风险管理的系统特征与流程构造

    Systematic Features and Construction of Business M & A Risk Management Procedure

  5. 二是企业并购风险管理系统的一般分析;

    Second , the general analysis about the risk management system of merger and acquisition ;

  6. 三是企业并购风险管理系统的运行。

    Third , particular analysis about the risk management running mechanism of merger and acquisition .

  7. 据此建立了由风险识别、风险测评和风险处置等环节构成的并购风险管理运作流程。

    Therefore , it sets up operation flow about merger risk management including risk identification , test , handing and etc.

  8. 对企业并购风险管理界定为并购企业识别并购活动过程中的各种风险并进行必要地度量和处理的整个过程;

    Secondly , we define M A risk management as the process to discern , measure and deal with M A risk .

  9. 本文把情报工作视为中国企业海外并购风险管理过程中不可分割的组成部分来进行研究。

    In this thesis , intelligence was treated as an integral part of the whole risk management process of overseas M & A of Chinese enterprises .

  10. 基于并购风险管理过程的主要环节设计了包括并购风险识别,风险度量,风险处理策略选择,风险处理的实施、评估和调控四个部分的企业并购风险管理系统。

    System of M A risk management is made of four parts i.e. discernment , measurement , choice of strategies for dealing with M A risk and implementing , evaluating , regulating the strategies .

  11. 由于国内的企业并购风险管理没有统一、适用的规范和模式,因此如何进行科学的管理来规避并购中的风险,也就必然成为很多企业关心的课题。

    Because the merger risk management of our country 's enterprise don 't have a unified and suitable mode , therefore how to proceed the management of science to evade the risk of the merger , have become an important lesson in many enterprise .

  12. 企业并购的风险管理

    The Risk Management of Enterprise Merger and Acquision

  13. 本论文在简要介绍企业并购项目风险管理基本理论后,系统探讨企业并购项目风险管理的理论和方法,重点研究企业并购项目中风险识别、风险评价、风险处理、风险监控。

    After introducing the basis theory about enterprise MA project risk management , the thesis research programs and means of enterprise MA project risk management . Emphasizing on studying risk identification , risk assessment , risk deal , risk monitoring during enterprise MA project .

  14. 上市公司并购的财务风险管理研究

    The Research on the Management to Finance Risk during M & A of Listed Companies

  15. 因此,如何加强企业并购中的风险管理,就成为天瑞集团发展中面临的一个非常重要的问题。

    Therefore , how to enhance the ability of the merger risk management , has become a serious problem during the development of Tian Rui group .

  16. 在企业并购项目的风险管理过程中采用定性与定量分析相结合,定性分析方法包括:风险树识别法、因素分析法、模糊风险评价法;

    During enterprise M & A project risk management , Qualitative analysis methods and quantitative analysis methods are used together . Qualitative analysis methods include risk tree identification methods and factor analysis methods and fuzzy risk evaluation methods .

  17. 本文首先对该课题的国内外研究现状做了分析与总结,继而结合并购理论与风险管理理论对并购风险控制理论进行探讨,形成了一整套并购风险控制流程。

    First , the thesis analyzes and summarizes the researches on the topic at home and abroad . And then , the thesis discusses the theory of risk-controlling of M A by combining the theory of M A with the theory of risk management .

  18. 中国企业跨国并购中的财务风险管理研究

    Research on Financial Risk Management of Chinese Companies in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions

  19. 为了对识别出来的跨国并购的风险进行量化管理,运用灰关联法,把风险因子输入风险识别系统,从而精确度量风险。

    The law managing , wielding disheartened correlation for the quantization being in progress to transnational distinguishing out and the risk buying , the system risk factor entering risk is distinguished , precision measures risk thereby .

  20. 同时,并购企业对并购融资风险管理的经验尚不充分,资本市场相关融资风险的保障措施仍不完善,并购融资风险对并购企业的融资过程及并购活动影响重大。

    Simultaneously , the management experience of M A financing of buyout firms are not sufficient , and related financing risk safeguard measures of the capital market are incomplete . The M A financing risks have significant effect on M A financing process and M A activity .

  21. 主要介绍与并购有关的并购、风险、并购风险和风险管理等相关概念和理论。

    Introduces the concepts and theories of M A-related M A , risk , M A risk and risk management .

  22. 文章分为六个部分,首先界定了民营企业、跨国并购及风险的概念,并把跨国并购风险管理与风险防范作出区分,本文主要研究的是企业跨国并购的风险防范,而不是风险管理。

    In the beginning , the article made a definition of these term : private enterprise 、 transnational M & A 、 and risk .

  23. 本研究旨在为并购者提供一套先进的企业并购价值评估与风险管理的分析和应用框架。

    The study aims to provide one advanced analytical and applied framework of M & A valuation and risk management for the buyer .

  24. 企业并购理论强调了风险一定条件下的企业价值最大化途径而忽视了并购的财务风险管理;

    The theory of M A emphasizes the way to maximize the value of enterprises when crises are definite , but neglects the management of financial crises in M A.

  25. 对上市公司并购时,目标公司的估价、并购的支付方式、融资方式、并购成本及并购的风险管理作了阐述。

    Secondly it elaborates the evaluation of target enterprises , means of payment and financing , cost of M & A and management of risk .