
  1. 其差异的主要原因在于股权分置中的支付对价及并购的整合成本。

    The main reasons are the payment of consideration in equity division and acquisitions integration costs .

  2. 利盟在这个高度分散的市场进展缓慢,而且多数是基于并购,整合成本较高。

    Lexmark 's progress in this highly fragmented market has been slow and mostly based on acquisitions that are costly to integrate .

  3. 在当前的经济危机的情况下国有商业银行如何走出去:利用危机时一些银行陷入财务危机低价并购、整合。低成本引进高端金融人才,实现国有商业银行的目标。

    Under the condition of international financial crisis the state-owned commercial bank have opportunities to merger and integrate some banks involved financial crisis and to introduce high-end financial talents in low cost .