
  1. 灰色系统理论在企业并购风险识别中的应用

    Application of grey system theory in M & A risk decision

  2. 然后设计了企业并购风险识别系统及决策支持系统的基本框架,并提出了该系统的实现方法。

    Finally the basic framework has been designed along with the method to implement the system .

  3. 明确了企业并购风险识别的涵义及其基本要求,并阐述了企业并购风险识别的内容与方法步骤。

    We have clearly defined the discernment of M & A risk , put forward its several basic requirements , and provided the approaches and steps for it .

  4. 第四章构建了基于弱信号分析的企业海外并购风险识别框架,并对几种常用的风险识别技术进行了简析。

    In Chapter Four , a risk identification framework , which based on the analysis of weak signals identification , was established , . It gives brief comments about several commonly used risk identification methods .

  5. 本文将HHM等级全息建模运用到我国汽车制造业企业跨国并购风险的识别过程中,进行风险的识别。

    In the paper it applied HHM model to overseas M & A of the automobile manufacturing enterprises in China to identify risks .

  6. 因此,对于并购风险的识别、评估和防范,对决策者来说至关重要。

    Therefore , the M & A risk identification , assessment and preventive measures , is critical for policy makers .

  7. 企业并购市场风险的识别研究

    Research on the Market Risk Discernment of Enterprises M & A

  8. 企业并购的文化风险及其识别

    Culture Venture and Its Discernment in Merger & Acquisition of an Enterprise

  9. 企业并购的几种宏观风险识别

    Some Types of Venture Discernment about M & A Enterprises

  10. 论企业并购的原理与风险识别

    Principles and Venture Discernment for Enterprise Mergers and Acquisitions

  11. 企业并购后风险的有效识别与防范是决定企业并购能否最终成功的关键要素。

    Effective discernment and prevention of the venture on post M A of enterprise is the key factor which determines whether the M A is success or not .

  12. 本文的基本思路是:首先澄清相关的基本概念,如并购,并购风险,并购风险识别等;

    Firstly , we clear the definition of Merger and Acquisition , M & A risk , venture discernment and so on ;

  13. 基于并购风险管理过程的主要环节设计了包括并购风险识别,风险度量,风险处理策略选择,风险处理的实施、评估和调控四个部分的企业并购风险管理系统。

    System of M A risk management is made of four parts i.e. discernment , measurement , choice of strategies for dealing with M A risk and implementing , evaluating , regulating the strategies .

  14. 明确本文的写作目的,在借鉴国内外研究现状和界定关键概念的基础上,参考海外并购及风险控制的相关理论,为我国资源型企业海外并购风险的识别、测度和防范做好理论铺垫。

    It presents the purpose of this paper . The purpose is that based on the international research and identification of key concepts , with reference to relevant theories of overseas M & A and risk control .

  15. 第三章介绍了我国跨国并购财务风险理论概述,主要内容包括跨国并购财务风险的概念、特征,并购财务风险识别理论及企业跨国并购财务风险控制理论。

    The third chapter describes the financial risk of cross-border M A overview of the theory , the main contents include the concept and characteristics of cross-border M A of financial risk , financial identification theory financial risk control theory .

  16. 要提高企业跨国并购的成功率,在企业跨国并购的准备阶段、交易阶段、最后的整合阶段都必须做好对并购风险的识别、测度和防范。

    To increase success rate of transitional M A , we should prepare for the identification , measurement and prevention of the M A risk during its period of preparation , deal and final integration .

  17. 本论文在简要介绍企业并购项目风险管理基本理论后,系统探讨企业并购项目风险管理的理论和方法,重点研究企业并购项目中风险识别、风险评价、风险处理、风险监控。

    After introducing the basis theory about enterprise MA project risk management , the thesis research programs and means of enterprise MA project risk management . Emphasizing on studying risk identification , risk assessment , risk deal , risk monitoring during enterprise MA project .