
  • 网络reserve risk
  1. 因此,中国应该建立一个多层次、多元化的外汇储备风险管理框架,有效降低或分散外汇储备资本化的风险,实现风险约束下的外汇储备保值增殖,促进中国、美国乃至全球经济的和谐发展。

    Therefore , China should establish a multi-tier and diversified foreign reserve risk management framework to mitigate or diversify away the excessive foreign reserve risks , and facilitate the harmonized development in China , United States and even global economy via value-assurance-and-enhancement of foreign reserves under risk constrains .

  2. 在土地储备风险理论研究的基础上,提出土地储备财务风险的概念,并深入分析土地储备财务风险的种类及产生原因,包括融资风险、利率风险和违约风险。

    The concept of land banking financial risk is presented based on the research of land reserve risk theory . And a deep analysis on types and causes of land banking financial risk , which include financing risk , interest rate risk and default risk , is given .

  3. 弹药储备风险分析模型研究

    Study on the analysis model of the risk of ammunition store

  4. 试论土地储备风险及防范

    Risks of Land Reserving and the Risk Preventing System

  5. 土地储备风险管理的研究

    The Research in Risk Management of Land Reserve

  6. 然后利用在险价值来体现外汇储备风险。

    Then Use the value at risk to reflect the risk of foreign exchange reserves .

  7. 运用风险评估方法对期货投资风险、行业证券投资风险和储备风险进行实证分析。

    Risk assessment method was applied to demonstration analysis to futures investment risk , securities investment risk and deposition risk .

  8. 在系统分析土地风险类型的基础上,提出了城市土地储备风险的处理和防范策略。

    Based on systematical analysis of land risk types , the author proposes the treatment and precaution tactics of the risk .

  9. 外汇储备风险管理的过程,就是对风险进行辨识、度量、控制以及管理效果评估的过程。

    The process of management of FERs is in fact a process of identifying , measuring , controlling , and evaluating management effectiveness .

  10. 在这方面,最重要的是做好两方面的工作,一是深入探讨外汇储备风险程度测量的理论与方法,二是采取切实可行的管控措施。

    It follows that exploring theories and methods for measuring risks of FERs and taking practical and effective measures of management and control are the top priorities at present .

  11. 亚洲作为这次危机被波及的地区正深受其害,面临着出口下降、就业减少、外汇储备风险加大等威胁。

    Asia is being impacted profoundly as the region is affected by the sprawling crisis , challenged by decrease of export , decline in employment , and rising risks in forex reserves .

  12. 在土地储备风险管理方面,尚未形成系统的、能直接指导土地储备实践的研究,大多都是定性的,缺少定量研究,且研究深度不够。

    Risk management in the land reserve has yet to form a system that can directly guide the practice of land reserves , most of them are qualitative , the lack of quantitative research , and not enough depth research .

  13. 关注欠发达地区土地储备贷款风险

    On Risk in Loan to Land Reserve in Under - developed Area

  14. 应用风险管理的理论,对一次能源缺乏型城市煤炭战略储备的风险控制进行研究。

    Based on theories of the risk management , research the risk control in strategic coal storage process .

  15. 这意味着在市场看来,发展中国家可能会买入黄金,以分散储备资产风险。

    That means developing nations are thought likely to buy gold to diversify the risk in their reserves .

  16. 优化外汇储备警惕金融风险

    Optimize Foreign Exchange Reserves : Be Cautious of Financial Risks

  17. 增加黄金储备规避外汇风险

    Increasing gold reserve in order to avoid exchange risk

  18. 次贷危机后中国外汇储备资产的风险及优化配置

    Risk and Optimal Allocation of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves after Sub-prime Crisis

  19. 基于在险值分析的土地储备资金回收风险预测&以杭州市为例

    Land Reservation Funds Retrieval Risk Prediction Based on VaR Method : A Case Study of Hangzhou

  20. 中投成立于2007年,其使命是将中国的一部分外汇储备投资于风险相对较高的海外资产。

    CIC was established in 2007 with the mandate to invest some foreign reserves in riskier offshore assets .

  21. 我国高额外汇储备面临的风险及对策超额赔款再保险中最优自留额的确定

    The Current Risks and Countermeasures of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves Determination of the Best Retention in the Excess of Loss Reinsurance

  22. 单一的币种结构不仅增加了我国外汇储备的汇率风险,而且不利于外汇储备调节国际收支等职能的顺利实施。

    The single currency structure not only increases the risk of exchange rate , and is not conducive to implement the functions of foreign exchange reserves successfully .

  23. 实际上,中国决策者就担心其持有的巨额美元储备的减值风险。根据特里芬的逻辑,中国自己的政策加剧了这一风险。

    Indeed , Chinese policymakers are worried about the risk to the value of their vast dollar holdings that , on Triffin 's logic , their own policy exacerbates .

  24. 法律政策的缺位、政府过度干涉、经济周期波动、融资渠道单一等等,给土地储备带来巨大风险。

    Lack of legal policy , excessive government interference , the volatility of the economic cycle , single financing channels has lead to the enormous risk of land bank .

  25. 检测MEGX判定肝储备功能评估手术风险

    Measured the serun MEGX FOV evaluate the liver function reservation and the risk of operation

  26. 早在布雷顿森林体系的缺陷暴露之初,基金组织就于1969年创设了特别提款权(下称SDR),以缓解主权货币作为储备货币的内在风险。

    The IMF also created the SDR in1969 , when the defects of the Bretton Woods system initially emerged , to mitigate the inherent risks sovereign reserve currencies caused .

  27. 幸运的是,在可预见的未来,美元丧失储备货币地位的风险仍非常微小。

    Fortunately , the risk of the dollar losing its reserve status remains slim for the foreseeable future .

  28. 但是,如果没有更多资金投入到应急储备和其他高风险国家的预防接种工作中,非洲仍有1.6亿人可能面临感染风险。

    However , 160 million people could still be at risk in Africa if further funding is not secured for the emergency stockpile and preventive vaccination in remaining high-risk countries .

  29. 外贸顺差导致国际贸易壁垒层出不穷,并存在持有外汇储备成本高的风险。

    The favorable balance of foreign trade lead to the fact that international trade barrier to emerge in an endless stream , the risk with high costs exists to hold the foreign currency store .

  30. 如何开展土地储备融资,分散土地储备融资的风险,已经成为目前比较热门的话题。

    As the Government has put in the registered capital is too small , land reserve funding agencies to rely largely on bank loans . How to carry out a land bank financing , decentralized land bank financing risks , has become a hot topic at present .