
chǔ cún
  • storage;store;stockpile;inventory;store up;lay in;backlog;keep in reserve;lay up
储存 [chǔ cún]
  • (1) [store]∶把[钱或物]存放起来暂时不用

  • 储存剩余小麦的谷物仓库

  • (2) [stockpile]∶大量积累

  • 把战争物资储存在欧洲

  • (1) [storage]∶储藏

  • 天然煤气的地下储存

  • (2) [inventory]∶为未来需求而积累的物资

  • 有二十亿元的食品储存

储存[chǔ cún]
  1. 储存食物、煤、供应品等。

    Lay in food , coal , supplies , etc.

  2. 千万储存大量食品饮料供圣诞节用。

    Be sure you lay in plenty of food and drink for Christmas .

  3. 她把钱储存在几个不同的银行账户上。

    She had money squirrelled away in various bank accounts .

  4. 这些计算机之间的一个主要差异涉及其储存信息的方式。

    One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information .

  5. 将粮食和谷物储存在阴凉干燥的地方。

    Store grains and cereals in a cool , dry place .

  6. 我们在大脑的哪个部位储存有关颜色的信息?

    Where in the brain do we store information about colours ?

  7. 海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里慢慢地把它释放出来。

    The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods

  8. 其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。

    Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored

  9. 废料被安全储存起来,直到其不再有辐射性。

    The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive

  10. “艾奥瓦号”的船员一直都在为货物储存准备船只。

    The crew of the Iowa has been preparing the ship for storage .

  11. 俄罗斯和其他加盟共和国承诺销毁他们储存的大部分核武器。

    Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals

  12. 压缩盘可以用来储存相当于3张音乐光碟容量的内容。

    Zip disks could be used to store the equivalent of three music CDs .

  13. 当局已敦促人们储存燃料,以防战事爆发。

    The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out .

  14. 将胡椒粒储存在密封容器中,在需要的时候磨成粉。

    Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it .

  15. 只需把它们装进保鲜袋,在冰箱里储存一天即可。

    Simply put them into a polythene bag and store them in the freezer for a day .

  16. 随着孩子们长大,他们储存和检索信息的能力也会提高。

    As the child gets older , so his or her strategies for storing and retrieving information improve .

  17. 埋在地下隧道里的线圈可能很快就会被用来储存大量的电。

    Coils buried in tunnels below the ground might soon be used to store large amounts of electricity .

  18. 她把碾碎的小麦储存在桶里。

    She stored the cracked wheat in a bucket .

  19. 蚂蚁储存食物以防冬令。

    Ants store up food against the winter .

  20. 这种原料被储存在防辐射的特殊容器里。

    The material is stored in a special radiation proof container .

  21. 猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。

    The pig stores a lot of fat in its body .

  22. 现在是你储存点东西防老的时候了。

    Now 's the time to salt something away for your old age .

  23. 这个窖是用来储存蔬菜的。

    This cellar is used for storing vegetables .

  24. 要使木材堆放处或石油储存库燃起,一根火柴就够了。

    A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot .

  25. 能源的未来在于我们如何储存它。

    The future of energy is in how we store it .

  26. 有些植物储存水分来使它们度过干旱。

    Some plants store reserves of water to see them through a drought .

  27. 很多鸟喜欢为过冬储存食物,这些食物它们之后会取用。

    Many birds like to store food for the winter , which they subsequently retrieve .

  28. 独立性体现在衣物的打板、包装、储存、协调和使衣柜合理化方面。

    Independence came in tying , wrapping , storing , harmonizing , and rationalizing that wardrobe .

  29. 一旦数据和相关材料出现在储存库中,回答问题和处理投诉会花费很多时间。

    Once the data and associated materials appear in a repository , answering questions and handling complaints can take many hours .

  30. 例如,当信息上传到储存库里时,会分配一个数字对象标识符。

    For example , when information is uploaded to a repository , a digital object identifier ( DOI ) is assigned .