
chǔ shuì quàn
  • tax reserve certificate
  1. 长期委购储税券通知书列车编组顺序通知书

    Standing Order Form for Tax Reserve Certificate train composition notice

  2. 如何申请储税券帐户?

    How can I open a tax reserve certificate account ?

  3. 一经购买后,储税券可获支付利息。

    Once purchased , tax reserve certificates TRCs are interest bearing .

  4. 成功开户后,你会收到你的储税券帐户号码。

    After processing your application , we will notify you of your TRC account number .

  5. 您可于您的储税券帐户购买电子储税券,作缴税之用。

    You can acquire electronic tax reserve certificates into your tax reserve certificate account for tax payment .

  6. 储税券利率会跟随市场利率走势而定时作出调整。

    The rate of interest payable on tax reserve certificates is periodically revised in line with market trends .

  7. 而在每天截数时间后购买的储税券,则会以下一个工作天的利率计算利息。

    If you pay after the cut-off time , it will bear the interest rate of the following working day .

  8. 本同意储税券以无票据形式存放在税务局局长的帐户。

    I agree to have the TRCs maintained in scripless form in an account held with Commissioner of Inland Revenue ( CIR ) .

  9. 赎回储税券如不足以支付全部税款,馀数须于缴税日期或之前直接向税务局缴交。

    Any balance of tax not covered by TRCs redeemed shall be payable directly to Inland Revenue Department on or before tax due date .

  10. 你可查询你的储税券帐户结馀,包括电子储税券及利息总额。

    You can check the balance of your tax reserve certificate account , including the total amount of unused electronic TRC and the accrued interest .

  11. 在电子储税券计划下,纳税人可透过各种电子付款途径购买,包括银行自动转账、电话、互联网及银行自动柜员机等。

    Under the electronic tax reserve certificates scheme , certificates can be purchased by various electronic payment means : bank autopay , phone payment , Internet payment and bank ATM transfer .