
chǔ xù
  • save;deposit;have a deposit;put aside
储蓄 [chǔ xù]
  • [save;have a deposit;put aside] 把节约下来的或暂时不用的钱物贮存起来备用

  • (1) [deposit]∶积存的钱或物

  • 定期储蓄

  • (2) [saving]∶留出当前的部分收入供未来使用的过程

  • 提倡储蓄

储蓄[chǔ xù]
  1. 学费可以花掉一大笔储蓄。

    School fees can make a big hole in your savings .

  2. 我在本地银行开了一个储蓄账户。

    I opened a savings account at my local bank .

  3. 我把支票存入我的储蓄账户。

    I paid the cheque into my savings account .

  4. 现代社会的主要特征是消费而不是储蓄。

    Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies .

  5. 如果把钱存入储蓄账户,就会自然生息。

    Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account .

  6. 一项允许你每月自由存款的储蓄方案。

    A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments .

  7. 这项储蓄计划只根据《1990年金融法案》及其下设规定提供。

    This savings plan is only available under the Finance Act 1990 and any regulations made thereunder .

  8. 6月份国民储蓄机构的总销售额为7.09亿英镑。

    National Savings gross sales in June totalled £ 709 million .

  9. 他的形象因为那桩储蓄信贷丑闻而受损。

    His image was tarnished by the savings and loan scandal .

  10. 储蓄方案是现有的最佳零售投资产品。

    Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer .

  11. 她的钱存在邮政储蓄银行里。

    Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank .

  12. 低利率对于储蓄者来说是个坏消息。

    Low interest rates are bad news for savers .

  13. 开一个取款时不会乱收费的储蓄账户。

    Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdraw money

  14. 他往自己的储蓄账户上存了20英镑。

    He paid £ 20 into his savings account

  15. 新发行的第37期国家储蓄债券是任何一个纳税人的必然之选。

    The new 37th issue of National Savings Certificates is a must for any taxpayer

  16. 我在国民威斯敏斯特银行有两个账户,一个储蓄账户和一个活期存款账户。

    I had two accounts with Natwest , a savings account and a current account .

  17. 政治家们通常都避免卷进任何与选民储蓄有关的事情里去。

    Politicians normally avoid getting tangled up in anything to do with their electorate 's savings .

  18. 你可能最终又会把钱投入另一个储蓄计划,在理财方面丝毫没有变得明智些。

    You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances

  19. 他在储蓄以便买一幢住宅供全家居住。

    He is saving up to buy a home for his family .

  20. 货币贬值时,就无法鼓励人们储蓄。

    When money falls in value , there is no encouragement to save .

  21. 他从不储蓄。

    He has never saved .

  22. 除了这点儿储蓄我再也没有钱了。

    Aside from the little savings I have no other money .

  23. 深谋远虑的人储蓄一部分工资。

    A prudent man saves part of his wages .

  24. 城乡储蓄迅速增加。

    Savings deposits in both urban and rural areas have shown a rapid increase .

  25. 明智的人做储蓄计划。

    Sensible people budget their incomes .

  26. 工作期间定期储蓄将有助于保证晚年不受贫困之苦。

    Saving money regularly during one 's working years will help to safeguard one 's age from want .

  27. 其中一些信息提到了环境,一些提到了财政储蓄,另一些则提到了社会责任。

    Some of the messages mentioned the environment , some financial savings , others social responsibility .

  28. 储蓄20美元,书籍7美元

    Savings $ 20 Books $ 7

  29. 该地区在储蓄和投资方面都不足,教育和创新方面也较落后

    The region neither saves and invests sufficiently , nor educates and innovates enough .

  30. (我每个月都会把一定数量的钱转到我的储蓄账户里。)

    Example I transfer account each month .