
chǔ xù yín hánɡ
  • savings bank
  1. 一年前,中国邮政储蓄银行(postalsavingsbankofchina)行长陶礼明在描述该行未来雄心勃勃的征途时,引用了两句古诗。

    A year ago the president of the postal savings bank of China quoted a classic poem to describe the journey ahead for his ambitious institution .

  2. 如果政府想加速经济复苏,那么就有理由建立一家或多家政府银行,或许与英国邮政储蓄银行(postofficesavingsbank)等机构合作。

    If the state wants to speed up economic recovery there is a case for setting up one or more government banks , perhaps in conjunction with institutions such as the UK Post Office savings bank .

  3. 她的钱存在邮政储蓄银行里。

    Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank .

  4. 去年刚刚私有化的日本邮政银行(japanpost)仍是全球最大的储蓄银行之一。

    Japan Post , privatised only last year , remains one of the biggest deposit takers in the world .

  5. 上周,不堪承受大量不良抵押的一家储蓄银行&华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)破产,成为美国有史以来最大的倒闭银行。

    Last week Washington Mutual , a thrift saddled with rotten mortgages , became the largest-ever American lender to fail .

  6. 两周前,国际货币基金组织(IMF)警告称,地区银行(即储蓄银行)仍对金融稳定构成威胁。

    Two weeks ago , the International Monetary Fund warned that the regional banks – or cajas – still posed a threat to financial stability .

  7. 根据中国官方报纸《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)的报道,在今年年初的贷款热潮之后,一些中小型储蓄银行将需要提高存款准备金率。

    Some small - and medium - sized deposit-taking banks will need to keep more funds with the central bank following a lending binge at the start of the year , according to reports in the official China Securities Journal .

  8. 而在德国,大多数的州立银行(landesbanken)实际上是储蓄银行的商业分支机构。

    And in Germany , most of the Landesbanken are in effect the commercial arms of the Sparkassen .

  9. Bankia是在2010年由7家陷入困境的地区储蓄银行合并而成的,它已经如此脆弱,根本无法采取必要措施,来处理其堆积如山的问题房产类资产。

    Created in 2010 from the merger of seven troubled regional savings banks , the group was already too fragile to take the required initial hit on its mountain of troubled property assets .

  10. 我们储蓄银行除假日外每天上午9:00开业。

    It opens at9:00 in the morning every day except holidays .

  11. 对未来邮政储蓄银行功能定位的思考

    On the Function Targeting of the Post Saving Bank in China

  12. 这名男子今年45岁,在德国的一家储蓄银行担任高级职位。

    The45-old banker held a senior position at a saving bank .

  13. 储蓄银行可贷款给家庭买者和建设者。

    Savings banks can lend money to home buyers and builders .

  14. 黑龙江邮政储蓄银行绩效考核体系研究

    Research on Performance Appraisal System of Heilongjiang Postal Savings Bank

  15. 你们储蓄银行每天几点钟开业?

    What time does your savings bank open every day ?

  16. 是我们地方储蓄银行的总裁。

    Who 's the president of our local savings bank .

  17. 这会让西班牙储蓄银行的问题相形见绌。

    It makes the woes of Spanish savings banks seem almost tame .

  18. 上海商业储蓄银行企业文化探析

    An Analysis of the Enterprise Culture of Shanghai Commercial & Saving Bank

  19. 对我国邮政储蓄银行可持续发展的思考

    Reflections on Sustainable Development of Postal Savings Bank of China

  20. 是当时我国历史最悠久规模最大的储蓄银行。

    We were the oldest and largest savings bank in the country .

  21. 邮政储蓄银行现状及相关法律问题的考察

    Postal Savings Bank Status and Legal Issues Related to Inspection

  22. 西班牙调整储蓄银行的资本结构便是一个很好的例子。

    A good example is the Spanish recapitalisation of the savings banks .

  23. 我国邮政储蓄银行的定位及其实现机制

    The Position and Ites Implementation Mechanism of Postal Savings Bank of China

  24. 英国的相当于美国互助储蓄银行的金融机构。

    British equivalent of US savings and loan association .

  25. 中国邮政储蓄银行的客户关系管理方案研究

    Customer Relationship Management Research of China Postal Savings Bank

  26. 2007年3月6日,中国邮政储蓄银行有限责任公司正式成立。

    March 6,2007 , China Postal Savings Bank Co. , Ltd. officially established .

  27. 邮政储蓄银行功能定位及其营销策略

    Postal Savings Bank Function Fixed Position and Marketing Strategy

  28. 她在储蓄银行帐户中存了100英镑。

    She has 100 in her savings bank account .

  29. 中国邮政储蓄银行网络营销的广告策略

    Network advertisement sales strategy of China Postal Savings Bank

  30. 邮政储蓄银行上海分行竞争力的研究

    The Study of Competitive Power of China 's Postal Saving Bank Shanghai Branch