
  • 网络entrepreneurial risk
  1. 心理素质主要包括:创业意识和风险意识;创业意识包括创业想法、创业目的;风险意识主要包括创业困难和创业风险。

    Psychological quality includes entrepreneurial awareness ( including entrepreneurial ideas and entrepreneurial purpose ) and risk awareness ( including entrepreneurial difficulty and entrepreneurial risk ) .

  2. 民营高科技企业创业风险研究

    A Research on the Risk of Private Hi-tech Enterprises ' Start-up

  3. 促进贵州省创业风险投资发展的政策思考

    The Policy Aiming to Promote Venture Capital Investment Development in Guizhou

  4. 促进广西创业风险投资基金市场发展的配套政策研究

    The Countermeasures to Promote Business Venture Capital Fund Market of Guangxi

  5. 培植创业风险投资推动我国高科技产业化发展

    Developing Venture Investment For Encouraging The High-tech Industrialization of China

  6. 私人创业风险投资的运行机制及博弈分析

    Study on the Operating Mechanism and Game Analysis of Private Venture Capital

  7. 科技创新项目需要创业风险资本的支持。

    The science innovation needs the support of risk capital .

  8. 而创业风险投资的退出机制在整个创业风险投资运作过程中处于核心地位。

    The core of the whole venture capital procedure is withdrawal mechanism .

  9. 创业风险投资促进广西科技成果转化研究

    Research on Boosting Guangxi Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation through Venture Capital

  10. 中资企业国际创业风险管理体系研究

    Research on International Entrepreneurship Risk Management System for Chinese Enterprises

  11. 创业风险投资筹集和转让方式选择

    Fund-raising Approaches and Transfer Means for Initial Risk Investment

  12. 高技术产业的发展的快慢在很大程度上依赖于创业风险投资的发达程度。

    Speed of high-tech industries relies heavily on the level of development of VC .

  13. 基于集成论的创业风险投资产业与高新技术产业的集成机理研究

    Research on the Integrated Mechanism of Venture Capital Industry and High-tech Industry Based on Integration Theory

  14. 风险投资的行为促进了高新技术成果的商品化和产业化,并且承担了较高的创业风险。

    Venture capital facilitates the commercialization and industrialization of high-tech achievements but assumes higher entrepreneurial risks .

  15. 并介绍分析了我国创业风险投资退出机制现状。

    After that , the author introduces and analyzes our own situation of using withdrawal mechanism channels .

  16. 各国政府纷纷制定和采用各种扶持政策,创业风险企业发展的良好环境。因此,这项金融创新在许多国家和地区受到政府的重视与支持,在世界各地获得了传承与发展。

    Many governments around the world regulate and adopt different supporting policies to create good environments for venture businesses .

  17. 为了尽可能地吸引创业风险资金,要鼓励境内外各种投资主体在紫竹科学园区开展风险投资业务,为不同类型、不同渠道的资金敞开大门。

    In order to attract more risk funds , all kinds of risk investments from home and abroad should be encouraged .

  18. 从风险企业与风险投资公司两方面分析创业风险投资是高科技产业发展的一个有效融资保证。

    From the two sides which are investor and venture company to discuss it is essential for VC to develop high-tech industry .

  19. 科技企业孵化器长期以来面向初创期科技型中小企业提供孵化服务,通过引入不同资源降低在孵企业创业风险,收到良好效果。

    Technology business incubator has long been providing incubation services and a variety of resources to technology SME to reduce their business risk .

  20. 为高科技初创企业提供环境、服务与支持是孵化器的主要功能,且孵化绩效是创业风险企业选择孵化器的主要评价标准。

    The business incubator comes from the management model that provides environment , service for science and technology small enterprises to accelerates their growth .

  21. 如果要实现投资者的收益目标,就要求健全创业风险投资退出机制,让投资者能够顺利地将资金撤出,从而完成投资的最后收益过程。

    In order to reach the goals of investors , it requires a sound withdrawal mechanism to make sure that investors can withdraw their capital smoothly .

  22. 至此,在我国目前的法律体系下,纯内资创业风险投资机构采用有限合伙制已不存在实质立法风险。

    So far , within the legal framework of China , purified domestic venture capital limited liability partnership enterprises will not meet the substantial legal risk .

  23. 并提出以创业风险投资为排头兵,用以引领导向产业资本的投资流向,这主要是创业风险投资所具有的特性所决定的。

    And it puts forward that treat venture capital as the pacesetter for the leading flows , investment-oriented industries , mainly venture investment with the characteristics of the decision .

  24. 国内外创业风险投资发展的实践证明,创业风险投资的区域分布具有很大的不均衡性,创业风险投资的这种区域集聚效应促进了区域性的高技术产业的发展。

    The development of domestic and foreign venture capital practice has proved that the distribution of VC is unbalanced . The cluster effect promotes a regional high-tech industries developing .

  25. 我国目前创业风险资本的来源渠道有五种,分别是政府基金、公司投资基金、金融机构基金、民间资本和国外战略投资人。

    Now our accumulating channels of risk capital have five kinds those are the governmental risk funds , banking funds the corporation funds , the personal capital and the abroad strategy inventor .

  26. 我们整合所得结果并取名为基于认知惰性的创业风险框架效应认知机制结构-框定双维模型。

    We concluded our findings and named it cognitive inertia based construction-framing double-dimension model for the cognitive mechanism of entrepreneurial risky framing effect . We discussed our results in the end of the study .

  27. 科技企业孵化器通过为初创企业提供一系列的支持与服务,大大降低了高新技术企业的创业风险,提高了初创企业的成活率。

    Technology business incubators which are committed to provide a range of support and services for start-ups , greatly reduced the risk of high-tech entrepreneurial enterprises , and improved the survival rate of start-ups .

  28. 本文的主要内容如下:1.对创业风险投资概念进行了界定,并对创业风险投资理论及运行机制作了详细的研究。

    The main contents of this article are as follows : 1 . This article defines the concept of venture capital and detailed studies the theory and operational mechanism of venture capital . 2 .

  29. 企业可借助园区模式、企业内部创业风险投资机构和孵化器的合作运作模式、产学研合作模式等来实施天使型风险投资。

    Enterprise may have the aid of park mode , the enterprise internal entrepreneurial venture investment institutions and incubator cooperative operation mode , manufacture-learning-research cooperation mode to the implementation of the angels type venture investment .

  30. 创业风险投资的运作过程主要分为:筹集资本、运作管理风险资本、将风险资本退出这三个阶段,退出后的创业风险投资资金会进入下一个循环。

    The operation of venture capital is divided into three stages : raising funds , operation and management of venture capital , withdrawal of venture capital , and then the capital funds will go to the next cycle .