
  1. 创业签证在政治上很容易推行,这也是加拿大最近赌上一把的原因。

    Start-up visas are an easy political sell , which also explains Canada 's latest gamble .

  2. 如果通不过,他和他的商业伙伴说,他们可能考虑加拿大的创业签证。

    If it did not , he and his partner said they might consider the Canadian visa .

  3. 为了创建它们自己的硅谷,英国和澳大利亚也推出了这样的创业签证。

    In a bid to create their own versions of Silicon Valley , Britain and Australia have dangled start-up visas like this too .

  4. 英国在2012-13年度发放的创业签证总数增长87%,至973份,高于2011-12年度的520份和2010-11年度的293份。

    The total number of entrepreneur visas rose 87 per cent to 973 in 2012-13 , up from 520 in 2011-12 and 293 the year before .

  5. 虽然他的澳大利亚女友也试图劝他申请澳大利亚的创业签证,他还是拒绝了。

    Even though his girlfriend , who is Australian , has tried to persuade him to apply for her country 's start-up visa , he has resisted .

  6. 加拿大新推出的所谓创业签证,可以让持有人可能在未来获得永久居留权,享受该国相对较低的企业税,并享受公共医疗保险。

    Canada 's new so-called start-up visa offers them the prospect of permanent residency and with it , the country 's relatively low business taxes and public health insurance .

  7. 他提到了创业签证计划&这里说的是一项法案,如果它获得通过,那么外国创业者在美国投资就可取得工作许可证。

    He cites plans for a start-up visa – a bill that , if passed , would give foreign entrepreneurs a work permit in return for investing in the US .

  8. 创业移民签证持有人可以在英国创办企业,并通过快速通道获得英国公民身份。

    The visas allow holders to start a UK business and earn fast-track citizenship .

  9. 持有英国创业移民签证的外国公民获得英国公民身份的条件是,他们的企业在资金、创造就业或其他成功衡量标准上达标。

    Entrepreneur visas allow foreign nationals to gain UK citizenship if their business fulfils criteria on access to funding , job creation or other measures of success .

  10. 英国证明对中国企业投资者的吸引力越来越大,去年该国向中国公民发放的创业移民签证增长一倍多,至116份。

    Britain proved to be a growing attraction for business investors from China last year , with the number of entrepreneur visas issued to Chinese nationals more than doubling to 116 .

  11. 你不需要一张创业者签证来吸引创业者,她补充说,你必须先让很多人进来,才可以保证能有几个谢尔盖·布林。

    You don 't need an entrepreneur visa to have entrepreneurs , she added . You would have to let in a lot of people before you guarantee some Sergey Brins .

  12. 其他观察人士表示,创业移民签证数量增加的一个原因是,去年英国终止了允许国际学生在完成学业后留在英国工作的签证项目。

    Other observers said one reason for the increase was last year 's closure of a visa scheme that allowed international students to stay on and work in the UK after their course had finished .

  13. 特纳表示,创业移民签证之所以受到欢迎,是因为英国是增长最为快速的经济体之一,年化增长率超过3%,这使得英国成为一个极具吸引力的创业地点。

    Ms Turner said the visas were popular because Britain was one of the fastest-growing economies , with an annualised growth rate of more than 3 per cent , making it an attractive place to start a business .