
  1. 社会创业机会识别与开发框架模型研究

    The Research on Discovery and Development Framework Model of Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity

  2. 不确定性环境下的创业机会识别研究

    The Study on the Opportunities Identifying to Undertake Enterprises in Uncertain Environment

  3. 系统研究了影响机会识别的因素构成及这些因素对创业机会识别的作用机理。

    In this paper , we study systematically the composing of the factors , their influence on the opportunity recognition and the interaction mechanism among these factors .

  4. 创业机会识别:概念、过程、影响因素和分析架构基于综合交通运输系统的复杂性,本文在建立了综合交通运输系统分析架构的基础上,重点对综合交通运输系统若干专题进行研究。

    A Study on the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification : Concepts , Process , Factors and Analysis Framework Comprehensive transportation system includes area comprehensive transportation system and urban comprehensive transportation system .

  5. 其中,创业机会识别是创业活动的开端,对创业活动成功与否起着决定性作用,因此学者们对创业机会的研究也将焦点放在创业机会的识别上。

    Moreover , the entrepreneurial opportunity identification is the beginning of entrepreneurial activity , which plays a decisive role . Therefore , the scholars of the entrepreneurial opportunities begin to focus on the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities .

  6. 但是随着研究的深入,学者们开始对创业机会识别进行分阶段研究,把创业机会识别分为机会关注阶段和机会评估阶段两个阶段来进行研究。

    But with the development of research , scholars began to conduct a study on this entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in stage . Entrepreneurial Opportunity recognition consist of two phase that opportunity evaluation phase and attention opportunity phase .

  7. 在创业机会识别过程中,情感主导的亲友网络对农民工创业者识别创业机会更具影响力,但与高社会地位个体的交往联系有助于识别创新性创业机会。

    And in the process of entrepreneurial opportunity identification , emotion-driven network of friends and relatives of migrant workers entrepreneurs have more influence to identify business opportunities , but the association with high social status individuals can assist the entrepreneurs to identify innovative business opportunities .

  8. 创业机会评估作为创业机会识别的关键阶段,是近年来学者们研究的重点。

    Entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation as key phase of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition is a focal point of scholars ' study in recent years .

  9. 本文比较深入和系统地分析了社会资本对高科技创业企业创业过程中机会识别与开发的作用机制。

    This paper tries to make in-depth and systematical analysis on the impacts of social capital on opportunity recognition and development in the venture creation process of high-tech venturing enterprises .

  10. 研究不仅对创业者如何进行创业机会识别有一定的借鉴价值和指导意义,而且对于创业研究具有重要的理论价值。

    Additionally , this research not only can be viewed as a mirror and guideline to a certain extent for the entrepreneurship opportunities identification by entrepreneurs , but has significant theoretical value for the entrepreneurship research as well .

  11. 创业者主动性人格对创业机会识别具有非常重要的影响作用。

    The initiative personality of entrepreneur has a significant influence on the entrepreneurship opportunities identification .

  12. 在一定程度上丰富了创业研究的思路,并对新创企业创业机会识别和战略导向选择提供了实践指导。

    The study enriches the idea of entrepreneurship research and provides a practical reference to the new venture opportunity recognition and strategic orientation .

  13. 研究结论不仅理清了创业机会的内涵及影响因素,而且也深入挖掘了创业机会识别对创业意愿影响的外部因素所在。

    The conclusion of this research not only makes clear the connotation and influential factors of the entrepreneurship opportunities , but also explores intensively the external factors which make the entrepreneurship opportunities identification have influence on entrepreneurship intention .

  14. 创业活动的重要性引起了学者们的广泛关注,众多学者对创业活动进行研究,创业机会识别作为创业活动的起始阶段,是学者们研究的一个焦点。

    The importance of entrepreneurial activity caused the attention of scholars , and many scholars conduct a study on this . Many research focused on opportunity recognition that as the initial Phase of entrepreneurial activity .

  15. 结合研究假设及统计分析结果,主要得出以下结论:1.创业动机、风险承担性、网络创业知识、预期回报和资源禀赋等个体因素对创业机会识别有显著影响,自我控制源的影响不显著。

    Combinating the hypotheses and results of statistical analysis , it draws the following conclusions : First , entrepreneurial motivation , risk-taking , network business knowledge , expected rewards and resource endowment on the process of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition have important influence , the source of self-control is not significant .