
  • 网络entrepreneurial cognition
  1. 但现有研究中,团队层面的创业认知研究较少,对其内容、维度的讨论都欠充分。于是对团队创业认知的讨论也成为本文的一个研究重点。

    However , entrepreneurial cognition research on the group level is relative few in the existing studies , so team entrepreneurial cognition ( TEC ) is one part of this research .

  2. 在前人对创业认知和创业意向研究的基础上,本文构建了创业前行为的概念模型,摆脱了静态的影响因素分析的研究模式,从动态的过程角度还原创业前行为。

    Based on the previous founding in entrepreneurial cognition and entrepreneurial intention , this paper constructed a theory model of pre-entrepreneurship behavior , described the pre-entrepreneurship behavior in a dynamic perspective , instead of pure static analysis .

  3. 机会评价是创业认知观的关键要素。

    It has been found that opportunity evaluation is a key factor in entrepreneurial cognitive theory .

  4. 创业认知特征包括创业效能感和风险知觉,创业认知特征对于创业绩效有直接的影响。

    The characteristics of entrepreneurial cognitions included entrepreneurial self-efficacy and risk perception , they affected corporate performance directly .

  5. 论基于企业家创业机会认知的创业信息服务

    Entrepreneurial Information Service Based on the Cognition of Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial Opportunities

  6. 基于创业者认知的创业孵化环境评价指标体系研究

    A Study on the Evaluating Indicator System for Entrepreneurial Incubating Environment on the Basis of Entrepreneur Perception

  7. 创业团队内认知冲突、合作行为与公司绩效关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship among Cognitive Conflict , Cooperative Behavior in Entrepreneurial Team and Corporate Performance

  8. 结果可从两个维度作阐述,一是创业决策和认知结构惰性的角度,二是认知投入或框定过程惰性的角度。

    Our results could be explained from two perspectives , one is construction and cognition inertia , and the other is cognitive resource expenditure or framing inertia .

  9. 调查显示,学生对创业教育的认知还较为模糊,创业教育参与率较低,而浓郁的创业文化氛围也尚未形成。

    The findings suggest that fuzzy cognitive , lower entrepreneurship education participation and the cultural atmosphere of entrepreneurship has not been formed are the problems of undergraduate entrepreneurship education .

  10. 创业策略、创业认知与绩效关系研究

    Models of cognitive studies The Relationship among Entrepreneurial Strategy 、 Entrepreneurial Cognition and Performance

  11. 我们整合所得结果并取名为基于认知惰性的创业风险框架效应认知机制结构-框定双维模型。

    We concluded our findings and named it cognitive inertia based construction-framing double-dimension model for the cognitive mechanism of entrepreneurial risky framing effect . We discussed our results in the end of the study .

  12. 女性创业希求性和创业可行性的认知对个体创业承诺具有相等的影响力。

    4 / in female group , feasibility recognition and desirability recognition have almost the same influence on individual entrepreneurial commitment .

  13. 在五种不同损失收益期望值组合成的情景中,不同创业倾向个体的风险决策和机会-威胁认知水平有一定差异,个体创业倾向和机会认知对风险决策有显著影响。

    In situations which are made up by 5 different profit and loss expectation values , there are certain differences in risk decision-making and opportunity-threat cognitive levels among different entrepreneurial intention individuals , Individuals entrepreneurial intention and opportunity cognition have significant influence on risk decision-making .

  14. 组织结构中的集权程度特点、公司创业时间(创业阶段)对创业策略和创业认知起到显著的交互作用。

    The moderate role of centralization , venture-creation times on the relationship between entrepreneurship strategy and performance was significant .

  15. 在过去的十几年中,大多数的学者都证实了与创业动机密切相关的一个因素&创业自我效能。因为它是解释创业者为什么选择创业的心理认知机制以及动力的关键因素之一。

    In the past ten years , most scholars have confirmed the close correlation with the entrepreneurial motivation and the business self-efficacy , as it is to explain why the selected business entrepreneurs ' cognitive mechanisms and the psychological one of the key driving force .

  16. 我国高校大学生创业教育,虽然已经取得了一定的成效,但整体上还存在着诸多的问题:大学生创业教育的认知观念不正确;

    Entrepreneurship Education of College Students in China , has yielded some results , but as a whole , there are still many questions : Enterprise Education for Students of cognitive concepts are not correct ;

  17. 创业型企业的风险策略要强于非创业型企业,创新策略、财务效能和风险容忍均弱于非创业企业,二者之间的其它策略模式与创业认知均没有显著差异。

    Venturing Strategy was more significant in entrepreneurial company than none - entrepreneurial company , innovation strategy , financial efficacy and risk-taking was less significant than none - entrepreneurial company , and there wasn 't significance on else entrepreneurial strategy and entrepreneurial cognition between this two types of companies .