
  1. 腾出的地方如今是美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)旗下的一处风险投资办公室和一个创业孵化器。

    The space is now an American Express venture capital office and a startup incubator .

  2. 还有提供免费办公空间的创业孵化基地、竞赛(比如很棒的MassChallenge)以及很多愿意提供帮助的成功企业家。

    There are incubators with free office space , competitions ( a great one is mass challenge ) and lots of successful entrepreneurs who are ready to assist .

  3. 位于新德里卫星城古尔冈的Jabong最近也募集了1亿美元,投资的财团里包括德国的科技创业孵化公司RocketInternet。

    Jabong , which is based in Gurgaon outside New Delhi , recently raised $ 100 million from a consortium of investors including the German tech incubator Rocket Internet .

  4. 虽然提供共享工作空间和Wi-Fi无线网络的孵化器已不是什么新鲜事,但除此之外,GA还提供高级商务与培训课程,改变了传统创业孵化基地的模式。

    Incubators that offer shared workspace and Wi-Fi are nothing new , but GA has morphed that model by offering sophisticated courses in business and design .

  5. 2007年,除了他们的投资工具——瓯洲创始人基金,他们还成立了一家名为RocketInternet的公司,这是一家创业孵化器,主要依靠自己的专家——现在大概共有员工90名,每年帮助若干企业创业。

    In 2007 , beside their investment vehicle , European Founders Fund , they set up Rocket Internet , an incubator that uses its own pool of experts - now around 90 people - to help launch several start-ups a year .

  6. 比如,创业孵化器YCombinator联合创始人保罗o格雷厄姆恳请他的员工锻炼身体。

    Witness Paul Graham , a co-founder of the seed accelerator Y Combinator , imploring his staff to exercise .

  7. 正如硅谷创业孵化器YC的前总监MattKrisiloff所说的:“创业公司已经远没有以前那么酷了。”

    As Matt Krisiloff , a former director at the Y Combinator start-up accelerator in Silicon Valley said , " Start-ups are a lot less cool than they used to be . "

  8. 2011年在硅谷参加完YCombinator创业孵化器项目后,Codecademy网站的创始人们回到了纽约,该网站教授电脑编程技能。

    After completing the Y Combinator accelerator programme in Silicon Valley in 2011 , the founders of Codecademy , a site that teaches computer programming , moved back to New York .

  9. 上周我在创业孵化公司TechStars担任导师的时候,好几个小组问我的问题都最终指向同一个地方:请您画出一幅商业模式图来。

    During my techstars office hours sessions last week , several teams asked me questions that led to the same place : please draw a business model diagram .

  10. 我国创业孵化中心的国际比较与发展成效评估

    International Comparison of Chinese Business Incubators and Its Development Efficiency Evaluation

  11. 关于山西省科技创业孵化体系建设的若干建议

    Suggestions about the Construction of Shanxi Provincial Sci-tech Pioneering Incubator System

  12. 创业孵化器通过吸引女性企业家获得优势:初创企业非常具有吸引力。

    Startup incubators can gain advantage by attracting women entrepreneurs : startups are all-engrossing .

  13. 尽管在美国和欧洲很流行,但创业孵化器在中国仍是较为新奇。

    Though popular in the US and Europe , incubators are more novel in China .

  14. 私营部门的创业孵化器与加速器早已在科技风险投资领域占据一席之地。

    Private start-up incubators and accelerators are already an established part of the technology venture capital scene .

  15. 我们的公司也可以称作为是创业孵化器,与加速器存在显著差异。

    Our company could have been labelled an incubator , which is apparently different from an accelerator .

  16. 产业集群因其地理集聚性形成的资源共享特征被视为一个天然的创业孵化器。

    Industry clusters are seen as natural business incubators for their resource-sharing features that benefit from the geographic concentration .

  17. 七月,他创立了自己的动漫公司,在合肥市的一栋创业孵化器大楼里租下了一间办公室。

    He set up his own animation company in July and rented an office space at a start-up incubator in Hefei .

  18. 本文从长春科技创业孵化器发展现状入手,进一步探讨了长春科技创业孵化器存在的问题及发展的对策。

    The article gives an account of the present condition and the existing problems of high-tech business incubator in Changchun and proposes countermeasures on its development and improvement .

  19. 本文研究目的在于为地方政府规划“大学生创业孵化体系”提供科学的建议。

    This article studies the goal to lie in plans " the university students'innovative undertaking hatching system " for the Local authority to provide the science the suggestion .

  20. 其中创业孵化器对创业以及高新技术产业的发展产生着巨大的推动作用。

    Among them , the business incubator as the most dynamic power can generate a great pushing effect on the entrepreneurial activities and the development of high-tech industries .

  21. 在对山西省产业结构调整和经济发展环境进行反思的基础上,对科技创业孵化体系的建设工作提出了若干建议。

    Based on review of industrial structure adjustment and economic developing environment of Shanxi Province , this paper puts forward some suggestions about the construction of sci-tech pioneering incubator system .

  22. 科技创业孵化器通过对创业企业的孵化,促进了科技成果的转化和高新技术产业的发展,在孵化企业的同时也在孵化自己。

    The high-tech business incubator promotes the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the development of high-tech industry by incubating the new enterprises , and meanwhile it also incubates itself .

  23. 最后,针对创业孵化环境评价指标反映的内容,论文提出一些塑造优质创业孵化环境,推进科技企业孵化器建设的建议,希望对我国科技企业孵化器建设能有所裨益。

    Finally , according to this evaluating indicators , the article provided some proposals for shaping entrepreneurial incubating environment and promoting business incubator construction , hoping that business incubators of our country can benefit from it .

  24. 随着孵化毕业企业的增多,科技创业孵化器不仅能创造大量就业机会,也能为本地区的高新技术产业提供项目源,并能发挥人才聚集效应,吸引外来投资等。

    With the increase of the number of incubated enterprises , the high-tech business incubator can create more job opportunities , provide more projects of high-tech industry , and making use of the human resource congelation effect , even attract overseas investment .

  25. 印度爱尔兰英国创业园孵化器调查

    Survey the Incubator in India , Irish and Britain

  26. 关于天津高新区国际创业中心孵化事业的有关研究

    About High-tech Industry Park in Tianjin International Innovation Center Incubator Cause of the Study

  27. 介绍了企业孵化器的基本概念,以阳泉高新技术创业园区孵化器为例,提出了高新技术孵化器建筑设计的基本原则。

    This paper introduces the concept of enterprise hatcher , with the Yangquan high-tech garden as the example , presents the basic principles of the high-tech hatcher building design .

  28. 通过对苏州创业中心孵化器建筑设计研究,论文着重从可持续发展、资源共享、空间利用、建筑表现等方面探讨现代创业中心孵化器建筑设计特点。

    By study of architectural design for Suzhou Pioneer Center , this paper emphatically discusses the characteristics of building de - sign for modern pioneer center incubator in terms of sustainable development , sharing resources , utilization of space and architectural manifestation .

  29. 泰达国际创业中心累计孵化企业达XX家,投入风险资金折合数百万美元。

    The TEDA International Incubator has totally incubated XX startup companies and funded millions of US dollars into venture capital .

  30. 良好的创业环境是孵化企业的必要支持,本文通过问卷调查揭示了浙江省大学科技园创业环境中存在的薄弱环节,并提出了相应的优化对策。

    On the other hand , good business circumstance is necessary to an University S & T Park .