
  • 网络innovation;innovating;Entrepreneurship;innovation and entrepreneurship
  1. 上海研发公共服务平台是我国第一个综合性的研发公共服务平台,由十个子系统构成,目的在于促进各类科技资沾的良性互动,为研究开发、创新创业提供各类信息和服务支撑。

    Shanghai Infrastructure for Public Research and Development is the first synthesizes platform for public research and development in China , which is made up of 10 systems . We will promote the interaction of various technology resources , offer information and other service for innovation through the platform .

  2. 高新区创新创业能力的综合评价

    The Comprehensive Evaluation for Innovation & Enterprise Capability of High-tech Zones

  3. 如果现在小学、中学、大学都有很好的创新创业课程,锻炼学生的想象力,锻炼学生独立思考能力和突破能力,那么未来中国的创新就不是一个问题。

    Innovation will not be a problem if students start attending innovation courses and receive training on imagination and independent thinking starting in primary school .

  4. 加强大学生创新创业教育的思考和实践

    Thinking and Practice for Strengthening the Education of Creation and Innovation

  5. 建立十个海外高层次人才创新创业基地;

    Set up10 innovative and venture bases for overseas top talents ;

  6. 美国高校创新创业及其作用

    On Innovation System of American Universities and Their Social Function

  7. 自动化专业创新创业人才培养的改革与实践

    The Reform and Practice of Innovative and Enterprising Education in Automation Specialty

  8. 湖北省急需紧缺的其他高层次创新创业人才。

    Other high-level creative and innovative talents urgently needed by Hubei Province .

  9. 创新创业教育实践教学体系的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Teaching System of Creating New Ideas and Career

  10. 肯德基日益面对来自创新创业型快餐概念的竞争。

    KFC faces growing competition from innovative start-up fast-dining concepts .

  11. 高等体育院校创新创业教育行为评价体系的研究

    Research on the Innovation and Start-up Education Assessment System at Sport Colleges

  12. 我国创新创业教育的硬件资源开发研究

    Development of Hardware Resources of Our Country 's Innovation and Business Starting-oriented Education

  13. 创新创业教育:突破大学生就业难瓶颈的路径选择

    Innovative and Entrepreneurship Education : Path Selection for Breaking through Graduate Employment Difficulty

  14. 高校创新创业教育需要认识的几个问题

    The Education of Creation and Innovation of Higher College Need to Research Some Questions

  15. 创新创业型太行山丘陵区经济技术开发模式研究

    Study on Innovation-based Entrepreneurial Model of Economic and Technological Development of Taihang Hilly Region

  16. 论高校团组织如何为学生创新创业服务

    The Service of College League Organizations to Students ' Innovation and Pioneering : Some Means

  17. 谈高校创新创业人才的培养

    On training of talent in innovation and carving out career in institutions of higher learning

  18. 积极培育有利于高新技术产业发展的创新创业文化体系;

    Cultivate innovation culture system ;

  19. 奋斗:团队奋斗,创新创业,做强国内一流企业,争创世界一席品牌。

    Group struggle : Group struggle and innovative pioneering to become first-rate company at home and abroad .

  20. 建立企业科技创新创业激励机制的现状分析

    Establish the business enterprise technology creative start a business to encourage the present condition analysis of the mechanism

  21. 基于实战的高职高专学生创新创业实践能力培养模式研究

    Study on Cultivating Model about Practical Ability of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of College Students Based on Actual Projects

  22. 第五部分讨论了额外的主题,创新创业精神和促进社会层面的创新等。

    The fifth part discusses additional topics in innovation such as entrepreneurship and spurring innovation at the societal level .

  23. 事实上,我国高校创新创业教育的路径研究,是一个大的系统工程。

    In fact , the approach study of the college innovation education and enterprise education is a huge systemic project .

  24. 鼓励和吸引上千名具有真才实学和发展潜力的优秀留学人员来京创新创业。

    Encourage and attract thousands of outstanding overseas students with talent and potential to work or start up business in Beijing .

  25. 中国高校创新创业教育联盟调查了130所高校的学生,其中超过8成的学生表示自己有创业意愿。

    The IEEAC surveyed students from 130 colleges , and more than 80 % said they are willing to start businesses .

  26. 其他的规划包括促进更多的技术园、创新创业、风险资本和支持创新的法律改革。

    Other plans involve a push for more technology parks , innovation entrepreneurship , venture capital and legal reforms to support innovation .

  27. 推进创新创业教育必须有符合时代要求的措施。

    Promoting the education of innovation and starting undertaking should have the measures that in accordance with the demand of the age .

  28. 大学生创新创业是时代发展的要求,也是高校的重要职责。

    The university students ' innovation and Pioneering is requirement of the time in society , also is important responsibility for universities .

  29. 该联盟是一个各高校分享创业经验、培养学生创新创业精神的平台。

    The alliance is a platform for universities to share their experience in entrepreneurship and nurture students ' innovative and entrepreneurial spirit .

  30. 他在昨天北京举行的2020年全国大众创新创业周开幕式上发表了上述讲话。

    He made the remarks yesterday while addressing the opening ceremony of the 2020 National Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week in Beijing .