
  • 网络entrepreneurial skills
  1. 创业技能是近来很多大学生所探讨的问题。

    Entrepreneurial skills are something quite a few college students have been talking about recently .

  2. 高校不仅需要专业教育来夯实创业技能,还需要思想政治教育发挥其固有的育人功能,培养学生的创业素质。

    Universities need not only professional education to strengthen entrepreneurial skills , but also needs the ideological and political education of its inherent educational function and cultivate the entrepreneurial quality of students .

  3. 进出口银行提供的企业和金融知识培训旨在培养妇的女创业技能,而Gaimo正是通过该培训发现女企业主融资项目的。

    Gaimo discovered the WEF program through business and financial literacy training provided by Exim Bank that aimed to build entrepreneurship skills among women .

  4. 庞迪团队桑德拉了创业技能,把它变成现实。

    Enrico Rikki Dee had the entrepreneurial skill to turn it into reality .

  5. 二是培养科学的创业技能,包括培养掌握知识的技能、设计策划的技能、经营市场的技能以及团队协作的技能;

    Secondly , it cultures scientific enterprise abilities , including the techniques of grasping knowledge , designing , managing market and team cooperation .

  6. 随着农村改革的不断深入和新农村建设的继续开展,提高农民的知识和创业技能成为当前的一个热点。

    With the deepening of the reform and construction in rural area , improving peasants ' knowledge and ability currently becomes a hot topic .

  7. 他重申,传授创业技能是完全可行的,但要以一种不同的方式来实现这正是高校孵化器与加速器的用武之地。

    Teaching Entrepreneurship is entirely possible , he reiterates , but it has to be done in a different way , which is exactly where institutional incubators and accelerators come in .

  8. 我们的宗旨是培养有开创精神的人才,从而建立以人才、创新和创业技能为基础的经济体系。我们要把新西兰发展成为外向型经济体,拥有更多的以新西兰为基地面向全球的公司,并在公司周围形成强大的经营集群。

    Our aim is to lever off a talented population with many great ideas in order to build an economy driven by talent , innovation , and entrepreneurial skills . We see the New Zealand of the future as an export-oriented economy with more globally-oriented companies operating from a New Zealand base and developing strong c1usters around them .

  9. 凯蒂虽然有天分,但却没有创业的技能,找对人帮上一些忙,凯蒂终于能够成功达成目标!

    Katy had the talent but not the skills to make her own business . With a little help from the right people , Katy has been successful in meeting her goal .

  10. 因地制宜地制定培训内容,采取灵活的培训方式开展以短期为主的培训,开展引导农民自主创业的综合技能培训。

    Moreover , in line with local conditions , other methods are need : develop training content , flexible manner based on short-term training and guiding farmers to start their own businesses a comprehensive skills training .

  11. 美国的年轻人通常希望创造出下一个Facebook,而中国年轻创业者具备的技能更低,抱负也没那么大。

    Also , while young Americans often look to create the next Facebook , China 's budding business owners start out with lower skills and more modest ambitions .

  12. 四是积极推行以培养创新意识、创业精神、创造技能为内容的创建性教育;

    Fourthly , aggressively promote creative education with the contents of innovative awareness , spirit of starting a business , and skill development ;

  13. 他说每个地方都让自己积累起创业所需的技能,他的公司涉及中外文互译以及为艺术家和音乐家安排来华演出。

    He says that each place has helped him acquire the skill he needed to start his own business translating documents to and from Chinese and managing artists and musicians .

  14. 研究其必然性及其可行性,使大学生的创业意识和创业技能得以提高,以完备良好的综合素质去迎接未来的挑战成为当前迫切需要解决的一个重要课题。

    However , it has become a vital problem which currently needs solving urgently as for its inevitability and feasibility to enable students to improve their enterprising consciousness and skills and receive future challenge with their perfect qualities .

  15. 整合现有资源,积极开拓和推进与沿线国家在青年就业、创业培训、职业技能开发、社会保障管理服务、公共行政管理等共同关心领域的务实合作。

    We should integrate existing resources to expand and advance practical cooperation between countries along the Belt and Road on youth employment , entrepreneurship training , vocational skill development , social security management , public administration and management and in other areas of common interest .

  16. 大学生创业教育不仅是创业技能教育,同时也是素质教育、生存教育和发展教育。

    The entrepreneurship education for college students is not merely the skilled education on establishing a business , and also the education for all-round development , the survival education and development education .

  17. 创业教育以创业知识、创业技能训练和创业精神培育为目标,为了实现这个目标,创业教育的教学体系应包括:创业精神、创业知识与技能、创业实践三大部分。

    The goal of entrepreneurship education is to develop the students ' entrepreneurial spirit and to cultivate knowledge and skill . To realize this goal , we designed the teaching system of entrepreneurship education , which consists of three components .

  18. 探索建立职业指导课程实施模型,对学生的就业(创业)观念、就业(创业)技能进行具体的、有针对性的指导训练。

    It is also concerned about implementing mode of the vocational guidance course and the training of the students ' employment ideas and skills .

  19. 实证研究发现,创业环境与创业意愿、创业机会、创业技能之间存在正相关关系,优化和改善创业环境,能够提高人们的创业意愿,能够提供更多的创业机会,能够增强人们的创业技能。

    Optimization and improvement of entrepreneurial environment could improve the entrepreneurial will , provide more entrepreneurial opportunities , and enhance entrepreneurial skills .

  20. SIFE在实际的运作过程中为大学生的创业活动营造了良好的创业支持氛围,增加了学生的创业知识和技能,丰富了学生的创业经验,提高了创业能力。

    SIFE has certain advantages for the entrepreneurial activities of university students to create a good atmosphere of entrepreneurial support , to increase the students ' entrepreneurial knowledge and skills , and to enrich the students ' entrepreneurial experience .

  21. 斯坦福大学良好的创业教育,强化了其师生的创业精神,培养了一大批具有创业技能的创业企业家,这是硅谷能够可持续发展的重要基础之一。

    Entrepreneurship education is very important to the development of both Stanford University and the region .