
  • 网络entrepreneurship
  1. 本文探讨了高校开展创业素质教育的具体研究路径,期望能对高校今后创业素质教育的开展有所助益。

    The essay discusses concrete research paths of entrepreneurship quality education and expects to help the openness of entrepreneurship quality education .

  2. 大学生创业素质教育作为以提高学生的创业素质为核心的一种教育形式,是高校实施素质教育的有机组成部分。

    Entrepreneurship quality education of university students as a form of education that improves entrepreneurship quality of student is a organic component of quality education which is caught out by universities .

  3. 谈高职学生创业素质的培养

    Fostering the Higher Professional Students ' Quality of Starting Undertaking

  4. 职业院校学生创业素质培养策略研究

    The Strategic Research on Cultivation of Vocational College Students ' Enterprise Quality

  5. 浅谈农科大学生创业素质的培养

    Analysis on Cultivating Pioneering Quality of College Students of Agriculture

  6. 对高职院校学生进行创业素质教育是高职教育的必需。

    Study of Orienteering Sports on the Cultivation of Creative Quality Education ;

  7. 构建和完善大学生创业素质教育的内容体系

    Constructing and perfecting the content system of students ' enterprising quality education

  8. 大学生创业素质的培养与高校教学改革

    Development of the employment quality and curricular reforms in universities

  9. 煤炭高校大学生创业素质的基本要素及特征分析

    Analysis of Characteristics & Basic Elements of Entrepreneurial Qualities of Students in Coal University

  10. 大学生创业素质的调查与研究

    A Survey and Research on Establishing Business Quality of Graduates of Colleges and Universities

  11. 创业素质培育:高校思想政治教育的重要内容

    The Cultivation of the Enterprise Basic Quality : The Important Content of Higher Education on Ideology and Politics

  12. 创业素质的形成和培养主要包括创业知识储备、创业能力培养、创业心理素质、创业冲动和动力。

    The forming and fostering of this quality include the knowledge reserve the ability foster the psychology quality and the motive power .

  13. 大学生创业素质培养是高等学校21世纪面临的新挑战。

    In the 21st century , the colleges and universities are faced with a new challenge of improving the quality of establishing business .

  14. 这对中等农业学校的生存和发展具有深远的意义,因此应大力开展创业素质教育。

    This has profound significances for the survive and development of the middle agriculture schools . So we should devote major effects to develop the quality education of enterprise .

  15. 高科技员工由于工作经验和相关知识的积累,往往具备较高的创业素质,其离职创业行为应该成为研究重点。

    Hi-tech employees always possess high entrepreneurial qualities , owing to accumulation of job experience and knowledge . So their turnover and entrepreneurship should be an emphasis of our research .

  16. 同时对大学生创业素质的组成做出了明确划分,把创业意识、创业精神、创业能力、创业知识对大学生创业素质的影响做出梳理;第二部分是大学生创业素质存在的问题及原因分析。

    At the same time made a clear division of the entrepreneurial quality of college students , The second part is the college students ' entrepreneurial quality problems and cause analysis .

  17. 开展创业素质教育符合世界经济及中国经济发展的趋势,有利于解决中等农业学校招生难、就业难的问题;

    Enterprise quality education not only accord with the development of the world economic and the choice economic , but also solve the problem of the difficulties in enrolment of middle agriculture schools .

  18. 21世纪,培养大学生的创业素质是时代和现实的必然要求,是高等教育改革的必然措施,是学生个体发展的需要。

    To cultivate pioneering quality of college students is requirements of times and reality in the 21st century , measures in the reforms of hinger education and need of the development of students ' personality .

  19. 新时期,创业素质教育、心理素质教育、生理素质教育、科学文化素质教育、品德素质教育构成了素质教育的复合性内涵。

    In the new century , the whole connotation of quality education of University is composed of doing pioneering work education , psychology education , physiology education , culture and science education as well as ethical education .

  20. 本研究的研究结果还可以为政府、高校甄选具备较高创业素质的个体提供借鉴,从而增强扶持的针对性,提高大学生创业成功的可能。

    The results of this study may also be that the Government , institutions of higher learning the selection of a higher quality of individual entrepreneurs for reference , so as to enhance targeted support to improve the students starts their own business success .

  21. 优化课堂教学通过精心组织教学知识体系,采用不同的教学组织形式,科学地帮助学生建构新的认知结构,以教师的主导下,使学生的主体作用得以充分发挥,培养学生的创业素质。

    Improving the classroom instruction through organizing the knowledge system of teaching meticulously and adopting different teaching establish the new knowledge structure scientifically . Under the teacher 's guide , the student can fully develop their initiative effect on themselves to train their quality of enterprise .

  22. 创业人才素质与品质结构探索

    Discussion on talent quality doing pioneering work and personality structure

  23. 创业心理素质教育对大中专学生心理健康的影响

    Collective Training on College Students ' Psychological Quality in Starting an Undertaking

  24. 中外成功创业者素质研究

    A Study of the Quality of Successful Pioneers in China and Foreign Countries

  25. 风险投资中创业者素质评估及风险防范措施研究

    On the Evaluation of the Entrepreneur in Risk Investment and Countermeasures Against Risk

  26. 培养工科大学生的创业基本素质和能力是工科教育工作者的重要课题。

    Basic quality of training engineering students and the entrepreneurial ability of our engineering educators are an important subject .

  27. 结果:经过一学期的创业心理素质训练,实验组与控制组学生在心态、自信及心理健康诸方面均呈现显著差异。

    Results : After a school term of training program , there are significant differences between the training group and the control group .

  28. 结论:创业心理素质训练有助于学生自信心和心理健康水平的提高。

    Conclusion : The training of mental qualities to start a business can improve the students ' self - confidence and mental health .

  29. 由于学校与学生的特殊性,民族院校大学生的创业心理素质有其独特性。

    Because of the particularity of school and students , the entrepreneurial psychological quality of undergraduate has its own specificity in university of nationality .

  30. 因此,本文着重从创业者素质的角度对创业过程进行了深入的研究。

    It is difficult to succeed in entrepreneurship for those who lack entrepreneurial personality , so this paper study the entrepreneurial process from the point of the entrepreneurial personality .