
  • 网络Debt repayment risk;Solvency Risk
  1. 由于MBO融资操作过程的不规范和不透明,企业在收购完成后的生产经营过程中蕴涵了偿债风险、投资风险、收益分配风险等巨大的财务风险。

    As a result of the abnormity and opacity in MBO financing , there is great many of financial risk such as repay debt risk , investment risk , profit distribution risk in production management of the enterprise after purchase .

  2. 加强政府债务管理减少财政偿债风险

    Improving Debt Supervision and Reducing the Paying Risk ; financial claims of government

  3. 究竟负债对企业的经营有何影响,在实践中又该如何降低偿债风险呢?

    What does the operation in debts affect the enterprises ' performance and how can enterprises decrease their risks of paying off debts ?

  4. 本章分别分析了融资平台风险形成、偿债风险、风险转移和风险控制等方面。

    This chapter analyzes the risk of financing platform : the formation of the debt risk , insolvency risk , risk transfer and risk control .

  5. 本文将我国民营企业海外并购财务风险按照风险的来源划分为四类:定价风险、融资风险、偿债风险和财务整合风险。

    The financial risks can be divided into four parts by the source ofrisk : pricing risk , capital financing risk , debt risk and financial integration risk .

  6. 此时平台获得了十分迅速的发展,在规模和数量上不断增加,贷款量也不断膨胀,加上平台自身运作的不规范,使平台的偿债风险日益加大。

    Platform at this time to obtain a very rapid development , increasing in size and number , loan amount continues to expand , coupled with non-standard platform for its own operation , so that the debt risk of the platform are growing wider .

  7. 他的言论表明,欧元区各国政府对希腊无钱偿债的风险感到担忧。

    His remarks signal the concern in eurozone capitals over the risk that Athens is running out of money to pay its debts .

  8. 监管者们能够监测资本交易是如何进行的,或是通过利用市场来评判无力偿债的风险从而帮助判定银行何时必须募集更多的资本(见文章)。

    Regulators could monitor how this trades , or use markets that gauge the risk of insolvency , to help decide when banks must raise more capital ( see article ) .

  9. 实证研究部分主要是针对企业财务风险来分析的。包括企业过度负债风险、偿债能力下降风险和募集资金短融长投风险。

    Empirical research component mainly refers to enterprises financial risk , including over-indebted risk , Solvency falling risk and putting short-term funds into long-term investment risk .

  10. 这样,无力偿债机构的风险就从公共部门转回至私营部门,从纳税人转回至债权人。

    That way , the risk of the insolvent institutions would be transferred back from the public to the private sector , from the taxpayer to the creditors .

  11. 然而,纳税人应该冒着影响本国政府偿债能力的风险、纾困严重资不抵债银行的优先债权人的构想,既不公平也不合理。

    Yet the idea that taxpayers should bail out senior creditors of massively insolvent banks at such risk to the solvency of their state is both unfair and unreasonable .

  12. 此外,投资债券亦存在借款人未能履行其偿债义务的信贷风险。

    In addition , there is the credit risk that the borrower may fail to honour its repayment obligations .

  13. 负债比率越高,偿还债务本息的压力越大,偿债能力上的风险也就越大。

    The higher the ratio is , the higher the strain of paying principal and interest is , and the higher the risk of solvency is .

  14. 这种方式使供电企业承担了客户用电后不按期交费、逃避交费或丧失偿债能力等经营风险。

    This payment way makes the power supply companies undertake many working risk such as the customer did not pay on time , refuse to pay and lose the ability to pay .

  15. 本文利用技术经济分析的方法,对投资生产这一武器系统的赢利能力、偿债能力及抗风险能力进行评价,为领导机关决策提供了依据。

    Using the method of the technical economic analysis , this article appraised the profit ability , the payment ability and anti-risk ability to invest to produce this armament system , which provided the basis for the leading body decision-making .

  16. 对200t/a合成聚碳酸酯与800t/a含溴阻燃性聚碳酸酯项目作技术经济分析,说明其盈利能力、偿债能力、抗风险能力等。

    Following that is the technical and economic appraisal on the project of 200t / a synthesizing polycarbonate and 800 t / a fire retardant brominated polycarbonate . The results indicate profit earning efficiency , solvency , risk resistance , etc.

  17. 首先对与项目相关的各项技术经济数据进行采集和估算,编制本项目的现金流量表等财务报表,然后通过对上述报表进行分析来评价项目的盈利能力、偿债能力以及抗风险能力。

    The related technical economy data are collected and calculated to be used in the financial spreadsheets in this project . These financial spreadsheets will be the basis of evaluate the profitability , solvency and risk resistance ability of this project .