
Study on Evaluation Index of Liquidity in Manufacturing Industry Listed Companies
Evaluation and Prediction Model of Capacity to Pay A Debt for Enterprise
Rethinking of the Evaluation Indexes of Enterprise 's Payment capability
The Research on Short-Term Liquidity of Our Country Electron Industry
An Analysis of Enterprise 's Short-term Payment Ability
Appraisal on Hainan Airline 's Solvency
The output index includes three secondary indexes , the working capacity evaluation , sinking capacity evaluation and the payoff capacity evaluation .
The evaluation system is mainly divided into two parts : 1.General evaluation of program , includes evaluation of environment , evaluation of money-raising ability , evaluation of debt-paying ability , evaluation of money-making ability , evaluation of management level , evaluation of technology level ;
The cash flow statements will aid the rational prediction and evaluation of the potential capability of payment and compensate for debt of a company .
Credit pays more attention to the evaluation on the ability of paying back the engagement of civil bodies , while goodwill prefers to the evaluation on the synthetic economy connotation of commercial bodies .
Comprehensive Assessment of the Enterprise 's Ability to Pay the Debt in the Analysis of the Financial Report
Objective : Objective : This study was designed to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are 18 Traditional Chinese medical institutions reviewed the current situation of economic operation and status of analysis , including balance of payments situation , medical service capabilities , and comprehensive assessment of solvency liabilities .
For the financial performance evaluation , the author study it from the following fields : the finance cost , the finance risk , the finance structure and the finance paid-off ability .
The debt repayment ability is the ability that the enterprise pays back its debt . To analyze the debt repayment ability , we can evaluate the enterprise 's financial position and make the correct decision .
By giving formulas with a series of index for measuring an enterprise ' short term and long term solvency and by comparing and analyzing these indexes , the article is intended to help evaluate the enterprise 's solvency so as to make sound investment .